AngeLily's Blog
this week has been garbage...
I really would like something positive to happen soon. Everything this week has been one step forward and two back. Back to feeling like I'm drowning in shark infested water. Just dog paddling and hoping I don't start my period soon....:-\
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O/T: I think there must be an exchange when he picks up SS7...
DH must have to leave his brain with BM2 in order to bring him home.
I'm sorry but the kid is rude....
Tired of ss7 walking right in front of me so I have to stop. Tired of him running into me and then looking at me like I was in his way. Tired of the disrespect. Tired of being told I'm not trying to be in his life. Please tell me why exactly I should be trying harder? Anyone else that is rude I would say something, my own kids included. But if I say anything, I'm picking on him....
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I am well aware we are highly dysfunctional....
So I don't know why some things surprise me. Christmas presents were bought primarily by me, I shopped and hunted for stuff for everyone, extended family, both my BS's,DD, DH, OSS...I didn't get much for YSS because DH had already gotten a ton of stuff for him. He did get a couple things for YBS too, but that was the extent of his shopping participation. Nothing and no thoughts for OBS, OSS or DD. So, now we are coming up on DD's birthday, by some miracle we both are off that day so we are planning on a birthday party with the family (grandparents and kids).
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sometimes I really don't know....
Bm2 can be so strange. Friday, she texts dh saying ss7 has a high fever and is coughing and throwing up. Dh says okay, maybe he shouldn't go on the hour drive in the cold weather and just stay in bed. Bm2 says -that's what I was thinking and all of us are sick too.
Saturday she texts saying his fever finally broke, but still coughing and doesn't feel good. When do you want to meet? Dh says, we're all sick here too. He should probably stay resting and out of the cold, I don't want him to get sicker. She says "k"
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is that all?
Yes, bs12 said that when he finally graced our presence and after opening his gifts. I almost said, nope the iPod you have been asking for, for two years is in the closet but you didn't deserve it. This is also after he complained that we didn't wait for him to open everything. Yup, well come home when you say you will and you would have been here. He was in a bad mood because the xja dropped him off five blocks away with no coat in 40 degree weather.
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So I'm crying and upset of the likelihood I am sending my own child to live with the devil, and Dh says how I've still got him and dd and then tacks on "and maybe you can start saying 'hi' to ss7 when he shows up". Thank you dh, kick me while I'm down. Remind me how you don't think I try while I'm essentially giving up on my own kid. Thank you for reminding me why I often keep how I'm feeling to myself, because you turn it into an opportunity to say how I'm not doing enough for YOUR kid.
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My youngest bio son IS one of these evil stepkids
He's making ME crazy. DH has wayyyyy more patience with him than I do. I'm ready to send him off to his father on permanent vacation. The kid doesn't listen, lies,runs off to dad anytime he's in trouble here, forget school, has a legal issue pending, I'm ready to pull my effing hair out. We've had him do counseling, meds, you name it, but nothing gets through to this kid. He thinks he's smarter than everyone and is somehow entitled. My god, it's like living with my xh all over again.
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Trying to decide if I am still in "Mega B!tch" mode
or if this is really as stupid as I feel it is. So, DH asks me about 4 hours before I have to go to work (graveyard shift) if I am going to put up the Christmas tree. Mind you, I have had this tree for probably 10 years and it is a royal pain in the @ss to assemble and takes forever since the color code is missing and most of the color has come off the thing and it takes me a good couple of hours to do so and then go through all the strands of lights, make sure they work, etc. The reason he asks is because he wants to make sure ss7 feels like a part of decorating the tree.
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get your gdmfsoab feet off my baby's toys!
God I hate ss7 weekend. Especially, when I'm already pissed off at everything.
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