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AngeLily's Blog

things must not be sunshine and roses in BMLand so thanks for the overflow...

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It always seems like when she's having problems at home that she can't control she starts trying to control dh. Yes, clueless dh just gets annoyed that she's dictating what he should be doing and has a tantrum and ends up doing it anyway. Seeing such a strong willed person reduced to a spineless idiot makes me cringe. No wonder this 8 year old kid can walk on him, walk on me at dhs lack of backbone.


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Just wondering how the eowe crowd handles holidays.
We won't have anyone but our dd for Easter. She's not old enough to care about the Easter bunny, but I still wanted to do a little basket and take pictures. Dh asks what we're going to get ss8 (not ss15,bs16 or bs13) I said we could get them all something little from us, some candy, a shirt, etc. He says "not the Easter bunny?" I couldn't help myself and asked "doesn't the easter bunny go to his mom's house?" And he just looked at me funny.
The two enormous holiday thing, for ss8 only, drives me nuts.

just thinking

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We become parents, usually by choice, and understand that we will be making adjustments/changes/sacrifices (depending on POV). There will always be people who criticize what and how things are done. Being a step parent isn't a lot different, there are still things and people to "share", but oftentimes There is one great difference. Respect. Yes, many of these step kids are in fact KIDS and the respect is not taught or encouraged or actively DISCOURAGED by the bio parents.

I must be Cleopatra.....

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Because I'm married to the king of denial. I'm on my night shift rotation, we have a baby who is allergic to sleep and are (both) having a lot of stress at work right now, so no one is sleeping well. Generally, I work ss weekends. I came home, baby woke up, dh got up with her so I could get some sleep. Fast forward two and a half hours. I wake up to ss at the foot of my bed talking and playing with the dog.
In my room.
Where I'm sleeping.

back to it never being the kids fault

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Ss7 visitation begins...
I pick up ss, as we are driving down the freeway he's pushing on the soft top window of the vehicle til it's barely holding on. Miracle it didn't fly off. I bit my tongue.
SS goes in the house and opens his backpack full of toys
Dh: where did you get all of those?
SS: my teacher gave them to me.
Dh: no really, where did you get them?
SS: my teacher gave them to me.
I bit my tongue.
Dh: do you have homework?
SS: yeah

having a serious anger issue today

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I hear people say "don't worry, karma will come back and get them" yeah. Uh huh. Sure. Maybe it's because I own my part of things and don't have blinders on regarding myself. I didn't hate my ex or dh's ex, but holy hell do I wish bad things on them now. Sliding through life like their shit doesn't stink and we try to do what's fair and right and get ran over by the septic truck. I want to be able to breathe again and not waiting for one of them to pull some new level of "what can I do to make things suck for my ex".please. please. Some relief.

feeling kind of bad for dh today.

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He's stressed over getting all the paperwork to the cs review. Stressed about how the money cutting into our already tight finances will effect me and my stress level. Maybe I shouldn't have, but I took the paperwork and said I'd get copies and mail it. I'm a firm believer in he takes care of his, I take care of mine and WE take care of OURS, but it was too hard to watch....

now that the weekend is almost over....time to reflect.

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Typical weekend when I'm home on ss7 weekend. He ignores me when I speak. Takes toys away from the baby and then throws a fit when she does it. "I want" is steady in the vocabulary, instead of "may I have". (Looked at my dad and said "I want to sit next to my brother" yes, he really expected my dad to move. I said "sit on the other side" and dh backed me up.) Back to trying to be the center of the world and pushes his way in when someone else is getting attention. BUT what made this weekend different?

zero manners....

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I can't correct the unintelligent behavior instilled by bm 2. But my god, disrespect and lack of politeness is overwhelming. Drop things on me and say nothing. I say something and am ignored. Tomorrow when all of our family is here, IDC I'm correcting shit for behavior. From ANY of the kids and IDC who hears me.

I have had enough

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so I am doing something about it. I reported B!Tc#2 to the state for state assistance fraud. I am sick of her claiming poverty when she and her BF just bought a house and two new vehicles and go on cruises and buy this and that and in the meantime are petitioning to raise child support. I am not saying the child support isn't warranted, just saying she can't have it both ways. You don't get everything for free just because you want to play the system for all it's worth.
