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cant stand stepson, arguing with husband

angelbaby5680's picture

Sad 15 yo stepson he isnt what i would call "normal", my husband says no such thing as normal. doesnt talk much, isnt social with anyone, no friends/no hobbies/no life other than computers! (just lazy)cant do anything for himself as he wants to act like hes not capable of doing things himself at his age on his own accord such as showering, brush teeth, brush hair, wear clean clothes, make food in microwave/toaster oven etc. his hair, is long to his shoulders which i think is awful!!! especially when he doesnt keep it clean, brushed etc its even worse, he every now and then cuts/trims it himself which to me is weird, why dont you let us/ have us take you to have it done??? i want it to be cut but his dad says to leave it/him alone. he wants to die his hair freaking blonde when it is black and hes asian so blonde hair on him would be awful in my opinion, especially when it starts to grow out!!!!!his dad says to let him do it just because he wants to! he dresses in a way i feel is so tacky/careless, and he wears dirty clothes even when clean is available or he doesnt bring them down to be washed as needed because hes lazy etc. and doesnt want to eat anything if it requires anything but getting it out of the box and eating it (snacks only) anything else hes too lazy. he turns 16 in 2 months, grow up! his room, in my house, stinks, like a stuffy smell, i dont know if its the combination of him not showering as needed, and his bed getting his not showering smell on the sheets/covers, and his dirty clothes being in there or what i dont know, i insist the room be aired out every weekend but it just comes back and if the door is open i smell it and get irritated. the situation is irritating as hell, lived with us a year a little over a year now. alot of arguments about him since i we met when he was 10, he used to visit only every other weekend, now doesnt leave the house for weeks,months even at a time to see his mom, who does invite him every weekend but he unfortunatley declines because he just wants to be on his computer. my husband doesnt want to listen to me or let me have a say at is so uncomfortable to go out anywhere with him!!! i try to be nice and keep my mouth shut about majority of things until i cant stand it and say something to his dad. in which usually causes a problem between me and his dad.


Willow2010's picture

Your SS sounds like my SS. I disengaged for my sanity. If he wants stupid hair, it is not my problem. If he looks dumb, it is not my issue. I make DH buy any and all food for SS, because he eating habits are out of this world. But I also just found out that he is probably smoking pot so that may explain that one.

Since he is 16 and has a guilty daddy, you are NOT going to change a darn thing for this boy, except to drive yourself crazy. Back off unless it starts messing with your property.

I let SS keep his room how ever he wants. It is disgusting!! BUT he is not allowed food or drink in there and he HAS to keep the common areas spotless if he goes into them. And if he does not, I then tell DH and either DH cleans it or get ss to clean it.

You really should back off for your own good. Good luck.