The rest of the story (edited :))
Okay, now that I'm at my desktop, I believe that I can properly formulate a sentence/paragraph. I apologize for the confusion from earlier. Attempting to blog via my phone probably isn't the best idea anymore. Anyway!!
We picked up the skids Tuesday and still have yet to figure out the great staple in the SD5's head debacle (some sort of "accident" happened while at BMs for Easter weekend). It's one tiny little staple, and the cut isn't that long; I can only assume that the doctor didn't go with stitches because of this, but that from what I can tell, it might've been pretty deep. We still aren't too sure on the details of what happened though. When I asked SD what happened when we picked them up on Tuesday she said "apparently SS pushed my off the couch and I hit my head on the coffee table" ( I assumed the "apparently" was her attempt at an attitude and let it go at that.) SS told DH that night though, that he pushed her off the bed (not the chair) and that she hit her head on the bed frame (not the coffee table). Then when they were talking about it today, the story was that she fell off a chair and hit her head. I quit trying to piece details together, it gets me nowhere with them.
They tell us what they think would be "right" for them to say about what happens at BMs house constantly. (IE: Mom never leaves us, mom never spanks us, knowing that BM works, and does in fact spank them; not that we CARE they are just worried about getting her in "trouble") Anyway, so of course when she was talking about it after we picked them up SD was telling us how her head was soooooo bloody and it was so gross and stuck to her hair (as a wound like this would be), but when he was talking about it today, SS said that it "hardly bled at all, and that it was all taken care of by mom"...
This leads me to the most "fuzzy" part of the story- she didn't go to the ER. She went to the pediatric same day clinic. That I still can not wrap my head around. Even though it's same day you still need to make an appt, so she would've had to have called, made an appt and taken SD later that day...if it was serious enough to need stapled together, wouldn't that be dubbed an "emergency" and therefore needing an "emergency room"? Hell maybe I'm crazy. Who knows.
My thought on the matter, after discussing it with my grandparents who of course gave their opinion, is that "whatever" happened to cause her to incur the injury, happened Sunday night while BM was at work and the skids were with whatever babysitter she left them with. (the short list of people I can think of aren't exactly the highest caliber of people as I'm sure you can imagine) SD5 got hurt, babysitter "doctors" the injury, probably cleaned it, band-aid, and a little neosporin for good measure. Then one of two things happened. Either 1. BM got home, and flipped out but didn't want to take SD to the ER bc then she wouldn't had to have notified DH within 24 hours, and well, we would've been privy to the ER "report" if you will, which would've included a time stamp. BM works at a bar, she doesn't know we know this and does her best to keep it that way. She wouldn't have wanted us to know that she didn't realize about the injury until, whenever she did. By making her an appt the next day for the pediatric clinic, this injury is now deemed under their court order as "non emergency" and therefore she has 72 hours to let DH know. Ridiculous I know.
Okay so that happened, or 2nd theory: again, "whatever" happened, BM didn't think it was that big of a deal, whoever dealt with it when it happened, and then SD was playing on Monday and "reopened" the wound, possibly this time in the "care" (or company) of someone with a brain, and they told BM she probably should have it looked at. BM of course being a MOTY type said oh no big deal, see look I'll take her to make you happy, and instead of taking her to the ER, took her to the clinic.
Here is what I know for sure. BMs boyfriend (live in #5, or 6...I don't remember...) anyway, he took SD to the clinic and BM met them up there. According to the skids that is. I don't know why they would make that part of it up, but who knows their reasons for most of the bs they gobble, chew up and vomit right back out from BM. I do know that when I took SS to the ER at the advice of his pediatrician for fluids because he was dehydrated from being sick (not even able to keep pedialite down) all day, I called DH immediately, and he met me up there obviously for paperwork reasons, but bc well, his son was in the ER. So really, I don't give a shit who took the kid to the clinic, at least someone was looking out for her well being. It's just a principal thing on that point.
Am I being too skeptical about this? Everything around this whole incident just seems so shady to me. I can't place my finger on it. The only thing that I can guarantee with almost 100% certainty is that BM didn't take SD to the ER because like I said, in their CO "emergencies" are 24 hour required notification of the other parent; "non emergencies" are 72 hours. That way she didn't have to tell him after we got them Tuesday, but she told him at like 1030 Monday night, I'm pretty sure just to save face. You can't really just drop you child off with the other parent with a new head accessory and not explain yourself in some way or another. I guess either time will tell, or maybe we'll never know. She gets the staple removed Saturday "apparently" (:)) and DH is going to try to take his lunch hour during her appt so he can be there and speak with the doctor who possibly can shed some light on this situation. Maybe at least he can tell us what the adult that brought her in said happened at the time. Still waiting to hear back from BM about that pesky appointment time, though. Oh I know how they try to "change" last minute...ha.
- AndSoItIs's blog
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i don't know if i'm the best
i don't know if i'm the best person to post here. others might have better answers.
i like the idea that dh will go to the doctor when the staple is removed. i wonder if he can't contact the doctor directly and find out what happened if bm isn't to be trusted.
i try not to run around in circles to find out what bm's up too. it's a never ending cycle.
children get injuries. unless you think it's worth reporting or very suspicious i would try not to get to worked up over it.
like i said, dh going to the appointment or calling the doctor will at least get you some useful information. pondering the thoughts of a crazy bm will do nothing but bring more craziness into your life...kwim?
Idk what kwim means , but
Idk what kwim means :O , but yeah I won't be reporting the incident, I was just musing about what would (and has) have happened had the situations been reversed. There are other reasons why this is more suspicious than just an innocent yeah kids get hurt thing, at least in my ever too skeptical brain! Haha. I hadn't even thought of DH calling the doctor if BM continues to ignore his request for the appointment time tomorrow, and as of right now, she still hasn't answered. Meh. Whatever really happened, the kids know and even if they never tell us, well, it is what it is. You're right though about the running in circles with BMs logic!! I have, at times, felt like a dog chasing its tail in this. Thanks for commenting!!
Ah! Duh. Haha thank you!!
Ah! Duh. Haha thank you!!