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The birthday party from hell!

amy_rose4's picture

August 26th was my SD's 3rd birthday party (I know it was a few months ago but i'm new to Steptalk and need to vent this one lol). My husband and I had been planning this party for months. A bout a month before the party BM asks us if her and her family could come to OUR party because she couldn't afford to throw one, at first we said no because she is always such a bitch but she made us feel sorry for her and we thought it might be fair for my SD to have everyone at her we change our minds and tell her she can come. She asks if she can bring her new BF and we say no because she has a new boyfriend every other week and this new guy shouldn't be there. She gets pissed off and says she will throw her own party. We say GO AHEAD! Then the very next week she calls my husband and whines to him about how broke she is and she just wants to come to the party without the BF so he says that's fine. The night before my SD's party BM calls and says she can't make it to the party because she has a flat tire...she says the only way she could make it is if her BF brings her, and asks if thats ok. We told her he could come if he was her ONLY ride (we live an hour away from BM). The next morning she calls and says she cant come because her BF's dosen't have current tags on his vehicle and doesn't want to get caught. This upsets my SD very much because she thought BM was coming to her party...BM calls ten minutes later and says her dad can drive her to the party since he was invited anyways. Then she shows up WITH the BF we told her could come ONLY if he was her ride, so we had to bite our tounges on that one....

Time for opening presents comes and BM didn't get her she asked us to write her namme on some of the presents we got for my SD. We said's not our fault she spent her money on beer and cigarettes instead of her daughter. Then she asks if she can help my SD cut the birthday cake that WE got her...I guess I just didn't want to look like a bitch so I agreed. Later we suprised my SD with the power wheels we got her and her BM CRIES!!!!! because she wasn't included in the suprise...I was so PISSED. Why would we let BM suprise our daughter with a big gift that we worked hard to buy for her!?!? BM was crying and making a scene at my SD's birthday party....uggghhh and then when she left she didn't even thank us for inviting her!! What a bitch....never doing anything nice for her again!!


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Some people just naturally think they are entitled. I agree she sounds like a real bitch.

allchokedup's picture

The lesson is... never do a birthday party in conjunction with a piece of fruit... or a fruit cake for that matter.

Kes's picture

It sounds like you learned your lesson the hard way on that one! It will be a cold day in hell before BM ever comes to a party at my house. Give her an inch and she takes a hundred miles!
As I said to you in my other post, be assertive, take no nonsense from this wretched, manipulative woman. Be icy!!
On the positive side, it sounds like you and your husband are more or less on the same page regarding dealing with her, which is always a big help.

VioletsareBlue's picture

Sounds like our BM .. stupid bitch. Now you know to say NO to anything like this ever again.

amy_rose4's picture

Yea we are NEVER doing that again!! lol It's true though, Give her an inch and she freakin takes over!! No one at our party wanted her there (except for SD of course) but I just didn't want to be rude...I should have kicked BM out the second she started causing a scene, but she came with her dad ( Hailey's grandpa, who is a REALLY nice guy) and I would have been kicking him out in association. Next year we just plan on having a party for my SD with everyone EXCEPT BM, this includes SD's grandpa on BM's side...we will see how pissed of that makes BM haha. BM treats her dad like SHIT, he didn't even know my SD was having a birthday party until we called him to make sure he got the invite, BM never told him!! So i thought it was pretty funny that when BM found out he was coming she had to hitch a ride with him...pathetic!