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amackeral's Blog

DH apologized, short lived truce I'm sure

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After DH took a couple hours to cool off last night, and DD11went to bed, DH actually apologized. Said he doesn't know why he gets so defensive about SS20, but he always has. Knows he shouldn't take his frustration out on me, and knew he was wrong after he did it, but couldn't stop himself. He even apologized to DD after school too.

DH trying to be sneaky? So pissed!

amackeral's picture

Dh is soooo worried about where poor widdle SS20 is going to live when he gets out of jail on Saturday. He has said he's not coming here but since yesterday, he's mentioned a million times how worried he is about where SS is going to go. I worry if DH can't figure anything else out, he'll try to move him in here no matter what I say/think.

DH had a friend offer for SS to come there if the courts/probation would allow it (they live about 3-4 hours away from us), but that still leaves "where's he going to go for the time being, until SS's PO authorizes it" if they would.

I'm a dang good secretary! Letter to judge from DH, RE: SS20 in jail

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DH is seriously lucky I love him so much, and want him to be happy. I don't hate SS20. I too want what is best for SS, because I know if SS is worse, DH will not be happy, and we will not be happy. I will not give in on certain things of course, but I will help DH as much as I can.

That is why I helped DH to write a letter to the judge. Hell, let's be honest, I asked what DH wanted to accomplish and wrote the damn letter, then asked DH if it was ok.

SS in jail, grrr freaking grrr *edit to add new info*

amackeral's picture

Its never going to end now...SS is in deep shit now!

Some back story, in October when SS was whining to MIL about his money problems, I suggested to DH that he had to be doing something with his money that he shouldn't be, alcohol or drugs. DH of course wouldn't even believe it, "SS is too smart for that, he went through a 'drugs are bad for you' class in High School and he would never do that", so I dropped it.

DH got a call from one of his friends on Friday asking what's going on with SS.

SS saga/drama continues

amackeral's picture

It never ends! Even with SS20 out of the house now, DH still bends over backwards to coddle him.

SS moved out not long after my last entry. He said he was renting a place with a friend for $250, including utilities. Great, he should be able to afford that. That was in September, toward the middle of the month.
