So I'm not supposed to do anything for myself???
Wednesday is of course 4th of July. DH's brother/sister in law live 2 hours from us and have invited us to their house for the day/night. DH of course won't be home because he has to work. SS has to work 12-6, SD has Wednesday off work but has to work at 9:00am Thursday. I have Wednesday and Thursday off.
So I'm left with 2 choices, well 3 but really only 1. 1) I can take BD and SD up and leave at the butt crack of dawn so SD can make it to work on time. 2) I can tell SD "sorry, but I've paid my dues/missed holidays due to work", and take myself and BD up, spend the day/night up there and come home in the afternoon. Or 3) I can please DH and stay home, wasting 2 days off.
"SD would be sad if you go without her". WAH! I'm sorry, getting up so damn early and then spending Thursday at home with asshole SS does not sound like my kind of fun, I don't care who is sad. I want to enjoy my holiday and not worry about lazy ass skids who are adults and can fend for themselves. They have friends they can hang out with, I'm not a damn babysitter!
- amackeral's blog
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And you'll be sad if you
And you'll be sad if you don't do what makes you happy. Personally, my life policy is that as long as I am not intentionally hurting someone by making myself happy, I go for it. It isn't my job to ensure eveyrone else's happiness first. Like you said, you paid your dues.
love this!
If SD is old enough to work,
If SD is old enough to work, SD is old enough to learn and cope with the concept that work messes up holidays and free time. She can be sad all she wants, most people are when they don't get to spend the holidays the way they'd like. And then when the time comes, like you have, that you've earned the right to be off, it's that much more enjoyable.
Go, leave SD, enjoy your holiday with no worries.
Number 2 with out a doubt!
Number 2 with out a doubt! Step Monster advises step moms to #1 take care of ourselves, #2 their marriage and #3 our children. By doing it in this order we are actually doing the best thing we can do for our kids.
She is old enough and
She is old enough and shouldn't ever have or rely on you for anything like this. Too bad.. just do what makes you happy first. If you do it once.. they'll expect it all the time.
Kids grow up and get involved
Kids grow up and get involved in jobs and school activities and can't always participate in the family stuff like when they were younger. Tough beans. I think you should go and enjoy yourself and not worry about i.
My DH always makes me feel
My DH always makes me feel bad if I don't do things for my skids. Sometimes it's not the skids.. sometimes it's DH for putting you in an awkward situation and he clearly knows you'll have to bend boundaries to not only please her but him also. Just make it clear to him that you can't because of other plans. Stop worrying about what he wants you to do. I know it's hard, but it's the only way YOU will be happy..
Funny you should say that
Funny you should say that because that's exactly what I told him, that he was putting me in this position to have to make a choice after repeatedly telling me that I'm not responsible for them and they're old enough to take care of themselves. So which is it? I'm not responsible for them, or god forbid I make SD sad by not wanting to get up at 7am to bring her home on my 2nd day off??? LOL
Everyone is right...I know
Everyone is right...I know the right answer, I just have to not allow anyone to put me on a guilt trip for making myself happy.
Broke the news to SD tonight...and of course she pouted and said "I was actually hoping to go". I held firm and didn't apologize like I usually would (bad habit from my mom, apologize for everything and anything that hurts anyone's feelings, even if it's not your fault) and told her that's the breaks of being young. Gotta pay your dues and miss a few things cuz you have to work, or have other commitments. I got a sullen "ok" and she pouted out of the room. Boo freakin hoo I say!
And the best part about the whole thing...I don't have cell service up there so I can't be bothered by work (I'm a manager), or DH making me feel bad for enjoying myself and leaving "poor defenseless skids" at home to fend for themselves!