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alwaysme's Blog

I finally believe in Karma

alwaysme's picture

hoooray BM is finally tossing and turning in the bed she made on her own. She caused havoc for DH and I for years, took the kids off him, told the kids lies about him and me, threatened everyone tried to get the kids to hate us. Though i dont really need to go into details because i can see most of us on here already know the drill and have been through it all too.

Child support pay days make me sick

alwaysme's picture

Every second thursday that horrible bitch gets paid, it makes me sick to my stomach. She gets $200 every second week i absolutely hate it because the useless bitch lives with her parents and they do everything for the kids anyway, they pay for everything. It just makes me furious that she feels that she deserves payment. Then she sends the kids to us asking DH to pay for stuff. We have the kids a lot and they cost us a fortune too. Where is my Child support for driving them around?? feeding them??

I left him and now i am miserable

alwaysme's picture

Well i left my husband after years of being last place in his list of priorities, i no longer have self esteem and am constantly crying and angry. I realised i can not live that way anymore.
As you may see from my previous blogs that my husband has always dropped everything for skids and his ex and i am the one that has actually had to look after them all.

I think i want to leave my husband

alwaysme's picture

It would appear that everything i say and ask him to consider when it comes to his kids is falling on deaf ears. We had another fight this morning because he rang me and said "i have the kids tonight can you get them from school" I already knew this was what he was calling for because he never rings me during the day unless i have his kids or he wants me to get his kids for him.

Success stories and failures,,,what are the statistics in blended families

alwaysme's picture

I am so down on my marriage right now and am constantly only seeing dark at the end of the tunnel.
We have a kid of our own I have one and BF has 2 who he runs around constantly for.
I am tired of being the bitch because i want my husband to remember that he has a wife and
child as well as his other kids but he drops everything for them and forgets about us sitting
at home because he has to take them somewhere even if it is not his allocated weekend. I try to
just make my own plans but he doesnt notice anyway.

Things are still exactly the same

alwaysme's picture

I have not been on this site for a while and i felt it was about time i visited again, i re-read my old blogs and realised i am still living them. Nothing has changed. I am still the last person my husband considers when it comes to the skids. He has a gambling and drinking problem and we have no money left and yet on extra days he can work he can take his kid to their sports even though it is not his access weekend. While i am at home doing nothing with our baby because we have no money. I work full time too. But when i get upset about this he accuses me of being jealous of his kids.

I think i have had enough

alwaysme's picture

i am writing this nearly in tears, to me at the moment it seems like my Dh and his family bend over backwards to accomodate BM, they seem to have forgotton the shit she has done to my DH and the money she has cost him, she has taken the kids in the past and got CS through the roof cos he had no access, she has spread rumours about all of us and yet they seem to constantly want to help her.

Their reasoning is "It is for the kids" I say what a load of fucking shit, all they are doing is trying not to upset her.
