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Having a bad day

alieigh21's picture

I let DH have it this morning. He blew it off, which means he either knows I'm right or is really mad and choosing to ignore me. Last night I go into the kitchen to make dinner. There are dishes everywhere and the dishwasher is also full. We agreed that SD would be responsible for cleaning her room and bathroom and doing dishes 3 days a week. The dishes haven't been touched since Sunday. I told DH if he wanted dinner before 10 I would need help with the dishes. He starts to do it and I remind him that SD is supposed to do it AND that she has been upstairs in her room talking on the phone since getting home from school. He texted her to tell her to come down and wash dishes. She pretended not to see the text until he went and got her.

She comes down and empties the dishwasher, talking on her phone the whole time. Once the dishwasher is empty she starts to leave. I say loud enough for her and DH, what about the dirty dishes on the counter? She keeps walking and DH tells me I'll make her do it after dinner when there are more dishes. Guess what? She left it for me and DH pretended not to notice.

Today I told him that after 8 months of begging for help and getting very little something was changing. Since I have a full time job and full time school I don't have the time to take care of the majority of the housework. I am hiring a housekeeper. And since I'm already paying over half of the household bills the money for the housekeeper will come from his personal allowance. The thing is he helps me, probably not as much as he could but he does.

I think what pushed me to the edge is when we discuss the rules for my BS moving back. We expect BS to pay rent and keep his living space cleaned. DH seems to be pushing for more in rent and a greater number of chores.


StepX2's picture

I should go back and read your past blogs to see if I can get more history but without even looking at those my first thought is your DH needs to be more supportive and tow the line with SD.
When I have time I'll go back to read your blogs. I got curious after reading "his personal allowance".

alieigh21's picture

We have our own accounts. We put part of our pay checks into a joint account to pay household bills. The rest is ours to spend how we choose

hereiam's picture

He texted her to tell her to come down and wash dishes.

Gotta love parenting by text. :?

DH seems to be pushing for more in rent and a greater number of chores.

Of course, because that benefits him.

alieigh21's picture

Bs used to have a lot more chores. My bd does too. they will usually help even when sd refuses usually depends more on their work and school schedules.

I've tried waiting out and it just gets to be too much. Eventually dh will clean the kitchen but somehow no one sees anything outside the kitchen.

new to this's picture

My SD15 chore is dishes also, I will let them sit in the sink and run over before I do them. Sunday my son was in the hospital so i went to see him for the afternoon, dishes had been piling up in the sink for a while, when I got home DH was helping SD do them, pissed me off but I didn't say a word, just fixed me something to drink and went to bed, when he came in there I asked him why he was helping of course he didn't really have a good answer, I said you know she is off all week (spring break) she could have done them tomorrow. He didn't say anything. I will be the one in about 3-4 years you hear screaming 'I TOLD YOU SO!!!" when princess can't keep a job or be at school without daddy cause she is so immature and helpless!!! I will be saying I TOLD YOU SO so much i'll probably just need to get me a t-shirt and bumper sticker with it on there!!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I want that I TOLD YOU SO bumper sticker and T-shirt too. DH coddles SD15... his line of reasoning is that she isn't failing school, she plays sports and is doing better than she was at BMs so basically she gets whatever she wants and does ZERO to help out around the house.. hell she doesn't even pick up after herself! Her room is a nasty sty.. dirty dishes and clothes and shit everywhere, the bathroom she uses is a sty and I refuse to use it or clean it. About once a month or so, DH will give her the same speech he gave last month and the 10 months preceding about not being a lazy slob and NOTHING changes. Because DH is too lazy to be anything other than her buddy.

He hands her 200$ per month (SSDI $) simply because she exists and she blows through that and then he gives her more money for school lunch, weekends at friends, and Lord knows what else I don't even know about.

DH does not seem to get that he is creating a spoiled, uneducated (in the ways of life) monster. He keeps reminding me that I only have 2 more years to deal with her (she will be 16 soon) but I don't see that. I don't see this girl being able to keep a job, I don't see this girl being able to budget her money and pay bills... nope. I see her living with us forever and if not, begging for money from us forever because DH is crippling her. I will definitely be saying I TOLD YOU SO... no doubt in my mind.