AliceP's Blog
This is a question for my friend. She was so excited in June when her step daughter graduated. SD is 18 and leaving for college on Wednesday however child support never stopped, they are still garnishing. He doesn't owe arrears, she is still on his medical plan and there is no agreement about paying for college in place. She has all the scholorships she needs anyway. He called DCS to see why and they just said they will send him paperwork and they also brought it to his attention that 200 extra dollars has been being taken out for Daycare. lol these kids are 17 and 18.
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Is This Too Much To Ask
Non custodial parents should be able to modify support orders in the county they live in not have to jump through hoops contacting different counties and states.
Non custodial parents should automatically be awarded joint legal custody
Non custodial parents should not be penalized for moving on with their lives and rebuilding a life and family.
PAS should be recognized as abuse
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Nice Surprise
I was all prepared to spend Father's Day on facebook spouting off about PAS and how the skids can't be bothered with their Dad etc...well yesterday he got two cards in the mail one for Father's Day and one for his Birthday!!! FIRST TIME EVER they acknowledged him!!! Our bios got him a book and a book mark, we did a pancake breakfast and had mexican food but I think those cards meant the most to him. THAN....lo and behold the phone rings and they actually called him!!!! first time in 6 years they called him!
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O/T How do I tell my life long friend her kid is a psycho!?
I've known K since she was 6 months old. OVER 30 YEARS!!! She has 3 kids one boy in school, one boy 5 but won't start school til september and one girl 11 months. She has an unreliable baby daddy and the baby daddy of the older boys works so he can't watch them. I volunteered she offered to pay me for twice a week.
WHAT Did I miss???
What happened with Crew7 and how did everyone find out it was a hoax???
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can't you give a frequent user the power to delete all the spam????
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Well I got us all disowned
SD10 turned 11 on the 16th the days before her b-day DH got all depressed and agitated because we bought her a card and a gift card and wrote a message in it and asked her to call when she gets it with our number like we always do because BM doesn't have a land line and she never has them return phone calls. He knew she wouldn't call so he's extra sensitive.
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Hillbilly Sex offender is out of jail.
So BM posts on the 15th that "I can't sleep and i have a long day ahead of me tomorrow." Which made my stomach drop because when ever she's ambiguous it disrupts my ability to stay in my "Happy place"...So the next day we get an email from SKIDS COUNTY saying her sex offender boyfriend was released from jail. (Hillbilly is accused of molesting SD10's best friend but was charged with Communication With A Minor For Immoral Purposes" but because he had 2 other similar charges over his lifetime it went from gross misdemeanor to felony) We know she went to see him.
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O/T What's with the Paranoia???
Why do I keep seeing people blog and state that they are going to start erasing and and/or changing their names? Are BM's letting on that they've been reading here? I don't think my BM would stalk me like that at I've been very honest a vocal about my gripes with her anyway. It is scary that everyone seems really worried around here.
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*rollseyes* Bites tongue
When SD's were little they said "Oh mommy says we can't eat sugar than after a couple days forgets and then we eat whatever we want..." Fast Forward 3 years and BM says SD's are grounded, then a few days later she says they are grounded for a month for telling their aunt their mom forgot that they were grounded and they were now allowed to go to their friends. Two days afterwards she posts pictures of SD's sledding with their friends, and another activity. Now she's all upset SD10 has detention and tried to hide it, she just doesn't understand. ???? KEEP YOUR PROMISES BM!!!!!
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