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Thisagain's Blog

What should be plan be then?

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So my take away is that, I shouldn't be here and Im possibly making things worse so that's nice to hear.  My mental illness apparently makes me not suitable to help people, or deal with family issues and I should not be giving advice.

So what should my plan and steps be to do next? How can I get myself out before I cause more problems?

When they get kicked out on the street because they can't pay rent, how do deal with that

If she kills herself, how do I get past that know I did something that lead to that.




Am I expecting too much

Thisagain's picture

Maybe it's me. 

Maybe I'm being too strick, maybe I'm too harsh, maybe I'm expecting too much.

Maybe I blow things out of proportion. Maybe I have an unrealistic idea of how someone should act and the things that should be expected of them.

Maybe they've pushed me over the edge and thats all I can do .  Steal from me, now I don't trust you around my stuff.  Lie to us, even if it's something stupid, now I don't trust what you say.  


Thisagain's picture

I'm a 33yo male living with my girlfriend 41, and at the time of writing, her teen daughter.  When my GF first begged to me move in with her, her two older teen boys also lived there making it 4 people in the house total.  Her kids are now 21, 20, and 17.  It was the first time not living with my parents, so I was nervous and a little apprehensive about moving into someone else's house, especially when they have 3 kids.  Not that I have a problem with young teens or kids, I do very well and honestly, growing up in a home that was a daycare for kids of all ages, I could definitely raise a ch
