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stepkate's Blog

Officially Broken Up

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I know that it was the right thing, but for some reason I just couldn't do it myself. BF and I talked yesterday, and he started the conversation by asking me if I was happy. I took about, er, 15 minutes to think of a good way to say 'no' and he said that he hadn't been happy either.

My sublease ends this month, and I'll admit that in the back of my mind, I was thinking that I was going to move back in with him.

Negotiating with BM

stepkate's picture

Mr. Kate called me after court today and said that he has a big decision to make. His lawyer suggested that he hire a second lawyer (at least, I think this is a lawyer) who will come to a decision about custody, settling this whole case.

Moved Out

stepkate's picture

Just thought I'd give a short update. Mr. Kate/BF and I are 'on hiatus or whatever' at the moment, meaning I moved out. A friend of mine needed a sublet as she is moving out of state at the end of the month, so I was pretty fortunate.

Mr. Kate and I specifically discussed that we are allowed to see other people ( I brought that up), though he said that he wouldn't because he loves me. I'm kind of curious to see if that actually happens. We live in a small town (where Mr. Kate grew up) and between that and our circle of gossipy acquaintances, I'm sure I'll find out if he does.

He Relapsed

stepkate's picture

I told Mr. Kate last night that there have been too many inconsistencies with him lately and that I've lost trust in him, so...its over.

Before doing what I knew I needed to do, I had to complete my investigation of some unexplained holes in a few of Mr. Kate's stories. I don't know if I did it for closure, because i had to know, or what...but for the last two weeks, I've been taking a look in the garbage can on garbage day right before we leave for work, waiting...and I saw it-huge empty bottles of whiskey.

Extra Drama

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[edit] I've removed some information (actually, a whole lot) from the post for privacy reasons [edit]

Mr. Kate and I have a few complications in our relationship that I haven't mentioned here, as they are not blended/step-family related. I didn't want to clog things up here with non-step stuff, but, at times, it bleeds over and its hard to give the whole picture without mentioning those things.

I Busted Mr. Kate

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For the billionth time...recap: I spent 10+ hours driving this weekend to my parents house by myself to go to a wedding because at the last minute, Mr. Kate tried to bring his 10 year-old daughter along. She wanted to spend Saturday (wedding day) with him. Friday, right after I arrived at my parents, Mr. Kate told me that, as it turns out, his daughter did not come to spend the weekend with him because when he tried to pick her up, BM wouldn't let her go. This is odd, as we have had his daughter every weekend since I met her, four months ago.

We Need a Visitation Schedule

stepkate's picture

Just got back from the wedding without Mr. Kate.

Recap: I drove to my parents for a wedding by myself because Mr. Kate's daughter wanted to visit him on Saturday and I didn't want to take her on the 10+ hour drive, or add an uninvited guest to the ceremony 3-4 days before showing up. I told Mr. Kate that a 10 year-old shouldn't be dictating his (and by association, my) schedule. His argument was that with the start of the custody battle, he's only able to see his daughter weekends and Wednesdays now. Previously she came over whenever she wanted (weekends and 2-3 weekdays)...

Alone Again

stepkate's picture

[edit] I've removed some information from the post for privacy reasons [edit]

So I've known I'll be driving 10+ hours to a wedding for about a month now.

Yesterday I found out that by the way, his daughter (10 years old) wants to come, too.

So I told him I'll go by myself. This just seems like a repeat of the amusement park trip two weeks ago.

We would only be gone for one friggin' day-can't she come over another day instead? Can he say 'no' for 24 hours?
