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Daddysgirl's Blog

Will She Ever Stop Calling?????

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Seriously? Now that BM and I are not on speaking terms, she calls DH 4 or 5 times a day. FOR NO REASON... come on lady- he is not going to get back together with you... it doesn't make him and I fight... there is no emergancy with SS... what the hell do you want??? All it is doing is making her look REALLY stupid. She calls last night (several times) but the last call she informed DH that she needs to discuss a few "issues" with him, was this a good time.

Stupid Stupid Woman.

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So I have been reading through a few blogs this morning as I have been away from my computer for a dew days... trying to play catch here in our world. Anyways, I cam across one that mentioned (forgive me I can't remember who posted it) that if Step Mom comes up with a resolution- it is immediatly shot down by BM... Funny because we just had a MAJOR blow out last night because of this.

How Backwards Is This??

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So, I have carried myself, my girls and my husband on my health insurance for the past 2 1/2 years. BM has state paid insurance for SS and pays $8 a month for a crappy HMO- My company has recently been bought out and we have to update our insurance information and enroll with the new company. DH and I had a conversation last night that we would add SS and use the this insurance as secondary converage- not extra cost... no difference if we add 2 kids or 3 to my policy- no cost to BM. Sounds reasonable and responsible, right?


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Using children as PAWNS- I never beleived it was ACTUALLY done until I met DH- How can a parent do that to their child???

When Does Good Overcome EVIL??????

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Okay.... on a normal day, my 3 y ear old SS LOVES me... he loves his step sisters... his dad and all is well. There is the unhealthy bond that he has with his mother and we all know that he would rather be with her at this point in his life. BUT- if ever he does not get his way i.e. candy right before bed, jumping on the couch etc etc- HE HATES ME (even if his Dad is the one that told him no) with a passion. Most times it passes quicky... and I mean like 10 minutes and he has forgotten- but as of late, he will go DAYS without talking to me, avoiding eye contact.

The Sound of Her Name- Like Nails on a Chalkboard-

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Seriously makes me cringe. I know that SS is only 3 and he probably talks about us at BM's house just as much. But honestly, everytime I hear his little voice "my mommy has that movie" or "I have that toy at mommy's house" urrggggg- I just want to rip my ears off my head. Or when he knows he is going to his mom's and he gets all excited. I know it is his MOM and he loves her unconditionally. I would NEVER tell him not to, but the older he gets, the harder it is to smile and say "oh really, that's nice honey" when what I really want to say is "Oh really, how did she afford that?