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MissK03's Blog

My trip with SD.

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This past weekend (Thursday-Sunday) I took SD to Miami. I've been there multiple times with friends and assumed (keyword) SD17 would enjoy it. 

While it wasn't overall terrible it wasn't really fun either... This was officially my last trip with skid/skids. We haven't taken SSs on vacation since they were 17/18. 

I think these kids just don't know how to have fun anymore... I went to the jersey shore when I was 18 with my friends family and we had a blast. Granted SD was just with me she just was boring TBH. One thing I do know how to do... it's have fun.

Classic can’t care more then bio parents.

MissK03's picture

SD17 is entering her senior of high school. She went from wanting to stay home and commuting too going to private out of state schools costing 70k a year. This is completely outside her realm and blowout occurred because I gave my two cents off the rip. 

SOs ex SIL who is an APRN is offering to tour colleges with SD. He refuses to take time off after I told him he should... his response is well she's offering....

Terrible IMO. 

Well I was semi right plus some extra.

MissK03's picture

So as expected BM took SS21 out Friday to drink with him for his 21st. She didn't pick him up though had him drive... naturally. He met her at her dive social club she is a part of... called that... then to another bar... He was home at 9:45.

He comes in, comes right up to our room to show SO the glass mug BM got him... it's like he's 5... It's a $25 Amazon mug that you can have to customized... nothing special... 

Curious on how this will go.

MissK03's picture

So SS20 will be 21 in two weeks. Now.. SS20 and I do not speak. I'm so over him and I just think he is fake like his BM. I haven't spoken to him in months and leave the room when he enters it. He has treated me like garbage basically from the start (he was 12 when I met him) and his attitude towards me has not changed well into adulthood. We've had some major blowouts this year and I am just done. SO naturally still makes excuses for him but whatever. 

Little too late

MissK03's picture

SD17 had her 11th lacrosse game today. BM has not attended a single game yet this year. She only attended 1 last year. 

SD mentioned yesterday that BM said she was coming to this game. Well game starts... no BM... she's always late.. game continues she never shows...

My brother, SIL and nephew (my niece too she's only 2.5 months) also attended todays game so after the game we go say hi to SD because she loves nephew. Hang out for a little bit and leave... 

Story Time.

MissK03's picture

SD16 (17 in a few days) started another small rant about BM last night. She's upset that BM didn't donate to her high school lacrosse fundraiser... she had a month to donate. She told SD that "she would see what she would do." And also she said "I don't have any friends." LOLLL. My family donated the most go figure. 

Anyways... she proceeded to say that BM sent her her whopping $100 birthday money a few days early because she wasn't responding to BMs message in a timely matter. Then BM will start the whole what's wrong with etc. SD doesn't want to listen to her BS anymore. 

BM just won’t STOP.

MissK03's picture

For a little refresher... SO and BM have been separated 13 years...they did get back together briefly (aka BM had no man at the time and SO was stupid)  but it lasted maybe 2 months and that was 11 years ago. I've been with SO 8.5 years and BM is married and has been with her husband longer then I've been with SO. She lives 4 miles from us. There is SS20, SS19 and SDstb17 (3 weeks) 

Somethings that really annoy you.

MissK03's picture

I'll start with in high school I played field hockey, indoor and outdoor track. My ex boyfriends mom was a physical therapist... so I'm not a complete f'n moron when it comes to muscles. 

SD is NOT an athlete. She tries (kind of but she isn't competitive ) really just isn't. She started playing lacrosse again last year (10th grade) and she hasn't played since she was 9. She played rec basketball 5th-7th grade.

It’s like they live in Fantasy Land.

MissK03's picture

So over a month ago SO told me about some kid SS20 plays online gaming with (no idea who this kid is) was coming up and going to stay at our house for a few days.. I asked dates etc SO didn't know just the end of the month. This is the one and only time I've heard about it.. so never crossed my brain again.

Driving home at 8pm from a hair appointment last night I asked what the parking situation in our driveway was and he answered with... not sure what's going on out there because SS20 and friend went to airport to pick online gaming friend. Now I'm pissed.

Just to vent.

MissK03's picture

I've blogged about this before but it still annoys me every time... In the last month we have gotten 3 pieces of mail with BMs first name and SOs last name. BM is remarried so hasn't had SOs last name in almost 5 years.. she never lived in this house...their marital house is only a house down (3 number house with one digit difference) but it's been over a decade since she lived there...

It's random junk mail but like wtf.. why. We have the same name so it's not like it's my name spelt wrong by mistake because SO and I are not married. 
