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RhondaJSharp's Blog

16 year physcopath..

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I dont know what steps this hospital has to take. But they are going to give the boy one chance to screw up. The only way that he can come home though is if he has a officer over him supervising. Keeping him under his thumb. The Therapists there has told us he wont be able to live out of a uncontrolled enviroment. I have to put up with this idiot again. I want to scream, dont get me wrong I am glad we are talking to people that know he is full of shit. And it feels good to know that we have the upper hand on him.

the boy

RhondaJSharp's picture

They say he is not bipolar, he is how do you spell physcotic. That he is not fit for society. So they are going to place him in a residential treatment center permanently. OMG!!!.. I feel so relieved, like a dark cloud has lifted from my house. It even feels different here now. I can actually breathe. The boy has demons, he is evil. And it is not all in my head.

The boy

RhondaJSharp's picture

They are placing him a mental ward. Hopefully they will put him on the right medication and make him act like a normal person. I feel nothing but contempt for the boy, he deserves every thing he gets. I cant help the way that I feel, and I dont feel bad for feeling the way that I do. He has just pushed me to far. I was with my daughters dad for almost 9 years, he had bipolar. and was hard to deal with some times. Nothing to what this boy has acted like. I hope they break him and his true colors come out.

The boy still ....

RhondaJSharp's picture

We are trying to figure out what he cares about. If you take something that he cares about than that would be considered a punishment right? Well we swapped rooms with him and my daughter. She had a smaller room he had the bigger room. I have a feeling that he is going to throw a fit. But if this is all we have to make him see that he has to earn is place here in our house than that is all we have. I hope he cares about something.

The boy ....

RhondaJSharp's picture

I know that your not suppose to hate people especially kids. But I hate my 16 year old step son. How can you discipline a child when they dont listen?? Somebody.... I really do need a answer. This boy steals, and I am not talking about petty stuff. I am talking about cars, peoples medicine, and other peoples stuff. He will lie even when he does not have to. He will lie to try to get you put in jail if he thinks it will benefit him. He is violent to his mother and father when they get in his business or they try to correct him.