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Court tomorrow for Christmas visit

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We have court tomorrow morning to decide if BM gets to see my SS7 and SS8 for Christmas. We have received a letter from SS8's therapist that visits aren't the best for him emotionally and notes from a few visits to show how she violated a court order with the boys during a visit. I ask for prayers that the Judge decides against the visit. Only because they just had a visit with her on Sunday the 20th and SS7 had a mental breakdown because he didn't want to see her and he begged us not to make him see her.

So what should I be called?

nicolespassion's picture

I have a ss7 and ss8 who I have been living with and full time mothering for over 3 years. Their BM left them for about a year when they were 2 and 3. They live with BF and I full time. She used to see them every other Saturday 8am - Sunday 6pm. That's 4 days and 2 nights in a month. Most times she would get a babsitter or her mother to watch them when it was her time for visits. For the past 6 months due to some 'issues' on her end she has supervised visits on first and third Sundays for 3 hours. So total of 6 hours each month.

Can't BM understand the pain she inflicts?

nicolespassion's picture

I'm an adult, so I can handle myself with BM. I don't think I was asking much of her...didn't need to be her best friend or even a friend. But can't we at least get along for the kids sake? She only see's her 2 boys 6 hours out of a month. 6 hours! And she still manages to make their lives so miserable that they are dipressed and have so much anxiety they get headaches and stomach aches. No matter how often we take them to counseling this won't stop until she does (or isn't in their lives). They are 7 and 8 years old. And have had to deal with so much from her.

Where is BM maternal instincts?

nicolespassion's picture

Where oh where has BM maternal instincts gone? I don't get it. You have this baby growing in you for 9 months, wouldn't you get some connection with that? My SS8 and SS7 have had to watch their BM do so many selfish things in their liftime. And more than 3 years I have devoted my life to them. They live with BF and I full time and only see BM 6 hours total in a months time. And she constantly is telling them to not call me Mom. Where does she get that right? Just because she gave birth to them? I am 100 times more of a Mom to them then she WILL EVER be.


nicolespassion's picture

I just started this blog and am new with this. But I think this will be much needed for me. I am a SM of an 8 year old boy and 7 year old boy. Have been for a bit over 3 years. And I;m not married yet to the BF. We have been engaged for 2 years 10 months. When him and his boys moved in with me, they didn't see their BM. In fact they were calling her by her first name. In last 6 months we found out the BM boyfriend had punched one of the boys and they have on several occessions seen him pysically abuse her in front of them.