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tougher than I thought's Blog

always thinking about things!

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In my blended family marriage I have never felt comfortable with decisions I make. If I get onto the Skids about something I think is wrong it seems to cause problems with wife later on during arguments or she’ll say I treat my BS different of course I disagree. Like I said before my wife has never and does not communicate to me about issues or expectations. The only way I find out what she’s thinking is through arguments. She approaches everything like this i.e. I had the 2 skids 10 and 7 and our own son we had together 3 this pat Saturday.

90% ready to move on

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I think I am getting extremely close to moving on with my life. At times I think the bleneded family concept was never for me, but at other times I feel like my wife has not at all supported me or renforced the fact that we can do this together. I know I am a good loving Man, but cannot give all I have to an unloving, unemotional, unaffectionate and unkind woman. This is some peoples personality make-up....I understand that, however does that mean to accept and endure...I'm not sure about that!


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If SM has time and her BK are at there BD, should she carve out time to spend time with SS who is 11? I think you have to make an effort to build relationships when given the opportunity. This should be the attitude of a step parent correct?


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Today will be another visit to the counseler for my wife and i. i keep hoping that today something will spark her to understand where I'm coming from. She is the first relationship I've had with someone who is not romantic, sentimental and non-communicative on issues that arise within the family or us! Wish us luck!

something else

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I'm telling you guys my struggles one blog at a time lol.....Friday night there was text on our cell phone from the BF saying that "he still calls her name out at night". He is a drunk and probabley was at the time! Its been 3 years now we've been married and every now and then he'll rear his ungly head! I still have to see him in the small town we live in and he is still in the boys lives!


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Is it normal and how many of the bloggers still sleep with there kids? Both boys 7 and 10 have there own rooms, but everynight my wife has to go to bed with them in one room, so all 3 of them sleep in one bed in one room. She finds her way to our room sometime late in the night. She also has to either help give them a shower or ends up showering with them. At what age do you start teaching them more independence?

Spousal advice

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My W and I have been married for 3 years now. She has 2 boys 10 and 7, I have a son 11 that lives with his BM and comes to our house 2 weekends a month and we have a son together who is 3. My wife is not a communicator when it comes to matters that involve issues with the kids or things of that nature. She has never been able to help me understand the personalities of my step kids or how I should deal with them on certain things. I have ask her for her help on these matters and it has just led to argument.

Struggling with my 10 year old step son

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I have been married to my wife for 3 years now and in the last 2 years have lost some friendship with my step son who is 10. He will not talk to me on his own and is always clinging to his Mom and Grandpa. If there is a situation where he has the opportunity to stay home or go somewhere with me he will always opt out. There has been some arguments between my wife and I in front of him, however nothing abusive just voices being raised in disagreement. I also think his real dad pits him against me, but I cannot prove it.