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Hanny's Blog

Shopping Trip

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My SO' STB 19 year old daughter came over last night and they went to dinner. She has seen him twice this summer, his BD and then Father's Day. she's been back from college all summer and living with BM. He asks her and her sister 24 over all the time. Usually no response. So when he told me she was coming over and they were going to dinner, I thought GOOD! But wondered why this time because he is driving her back to college next weekend, 10 hour drive and they will have a lot of time to catch up (her 2nd year of college).

How do you get over the crap...

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How do you get over the crap that goes on through the years? My SO's daughters have said things, done things over the years, that I just can't seem to push them aside. I don't dwell on them with my SO, and I don't mention them again after they've happened, after I've voiced my displeasure. But I guess I hold grudges, just can't seem to get over a few things? For instance; the girls made a comment when I moved in with SO they felt my 'living standards' had gone up due to my living with SO. I said at the time, WTF business is it of theirs anyway.

BM = Bitch Mode

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Today BM stands for 'Bitch Mode". Why oh why are all these BM's alike? My BF's ex called him on Sunday morning at 9:30..we were just getting up. He didn't answer and waited to see if she left a message - she didn't. His daughter almost 20 was driving up north with her BF, and he was afraid something might have happened, car problems, etc. So he called his ex back about 10:30. She tore into him about not answering her call when she called.

Opinions please

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My BF and I have been together for almost 5 years. We live separately. He has 2 girls, almost 15 and almost 20. I have never stayed over when he has his daughter. The 15 is the only one who goes for visits anymore. He has her 3 out of 4 weekends a month. He use to invite me over more to do things together, but in the last year he hardly invites me over at all. We see each other during the week and we work for the same company. We tried once, upon his suggestion, for me to stay over when youngest was 12, and she threw a fit, it's not right.

I have a question

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OK I have a question, for all of you who do EOWeekend. Look at your calendar, do you consider this weekend the 5th weekend of the month, even though Sunday is on Feb 1st. ?? My BF says it questionable... He has his daughter every weekend except 2nd and 5th (when there is a 5th).

Well, it has already started

Hanny's picture

To update, BM's BF asked her and the 2 skids to move out of his house after 5 years. Well, it has started, and we knew it would. She is already asking BF for more money. He had to give her 13% of his XMAS bonus. In the past it was 19%, but one kid is over 18 now and no more CS. So she asked him for the other 6% of his bonus to help with oldest daughter's books in 2nd year of college, and clothes are so expensive, and his CS doesn't even cover the private school which the 14 year old is flunking out of, etc. etc. This woman is so manipulative.
