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You know, every once in a while, I doubt myself as a mother.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

then the universe has me look at BM, SIL, and DH's BM. I feel much better then.

Example, last Saturday:
Felt bad that DH and I lost track of time at a church function and were a half hour late getting home (my mother was babysitting BD1). BD was in bed by 10 (Bedtime is 8 o'clock) and was up on her own at her normal time the next day and took a slightly longer than normal nap. I made sure that the house was quiet during naptime so she could rest.

GBM went out for the night with some friends. BM decided that she was going to make a cake and eat a tub of ice cream with SD2 while staying up and watching movies (Extra "are you serious: points: BM is "high-risk" pregnant and diabetic. She's not supposed to eat cake OR ice cream). SD went to bed at 1 AM. GBM left the next day to do laundry and told BM to make sure SD took a nap. BM couldn't get SD to nap because "the TV kept waking her up". :O News Flash: Turn it off woman!! We had our visit later that day and got to hear all about it when I asked why SD was so cranky. I pretended to look sympathetic while wanting to choke the life out of her.

This week, she won't answer our calls as to when our visit with SD is. We decided last week to change it to Saturdays since we have church on Sundays and God forbid we take SD with us. :? Too bad, we were going to take her to the park down the street from our house... that way she could play without having to watch for a driveby. You think I'm joking...