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KeepsGettingBetter's Blog

Update As Requested.

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Firstly I’d just like to say thank-you to everyone that responded to my last post and for your condolences.

A few of you have asked for an update on how things are going, so here is the latest.

(I’m still the CP for BS15 while BM still has BS12 & BS8)

BS14 Hears BM Having Sex

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

My BS14 spends every other weekend with the BM. The last few times he has been with her he has come home quite upset. When I asked him what’s wrong he tells me that at night when everyone has gone to bed but he is still watching TV (which is right outside BM bedroom) he is hearing his mother going for it with her partner. SS14 has told his mother that he can hear them and he thinks it’s disgusting but to his surprise her response was turn the TV up louder then or go to bed. If I want to make noise while having sex I will.


KeepsGettingBetter's picture

Some of you may remember me from a blog that I posted a while ago about my beautiful fiancé (Dani) that committed suicide last November. By the way THANK YOU for all your condolences and wonderful thoughts of Dani.

As many of you suggested, I have been seeing a councillor who has been helping me deal with her passing.

In recent months I have been speaking with my councillor about this site and how Dani was a regular and she seemed to have had many friends that she confided in.

On behalf of Keepsgettingbetters family - Thank You

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I would just like to say thank-you very much for your thoughts and prayers.

Over the last month I have been slowly sifting through Dani’s personal items and came across her Step Talk log in details which prompted me to log on. At the time I wasn’t going to share about her passing I just wanted to read her blogs so I could get a better understanding of what she was thinking and feeling and what key actions I missed that lead her to think she had no other way out.

She commited suicide. Please don't let this happen to you.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I am writing this blog on behalf of my fiancé who committed suicide on the 8th of November 2009.

She had been a member of your site for what I believe to be at least the last 12 months. From what she has told me the last few months she was just mainly reading and getting advice from replies to different posts.

Sick of the bitching. It's NICE time.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

Unfortunately I don’t have the time to log onto ST everyday and blog or post replies to our Step Talkers post, but in saying that I do try and at least hop onto the website at every opportunity I get and at least have a quick read to see how all my fellow step talkers/friends are doing but I may not necessarily log on.

BF and BM together today - Help me not to care.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

BF is going to a funeral today that unfortunately I was unable to take the time off work to go with him.
What is freaking me out is the fact that BM is going to be there. The person that passed away is an old friend of BF and somehow this person also knew BM but not through BF.
Although BM and BF have every right to be there today, it freaks me out that they are both going to be in the same place.
I know this sounds totally childish and I should be thinking, who cares, but for some reason I do.
