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2young4this's picture

I believe like so many of us on here that we all came into this with good intentions. We did not come to break up “happy homes” and rip children from their parents. Why is that the second wife always gets the title of home wrecking whore. I think it’s wrong. I guess I just need to get this off of my chest.

I met SO when I was 18. Yep that’s right. Just 18 years old. I was young and naïve. I was just looking to have a little fun. I had this really nice older guy that would take me to fancy places and treated me really well. I was not in it to fall in love that is for sure. I did not meet his daughter for months and months. I stayed out of anything that had to do with her. But I couldn’t help what happened next. I fell in love. I knew I shouldn’t have. The man had more baggage than an airport, he was older, and had a lot more responsibilities. He had a daughter from a one night stand and a little girl that he has raised since before she was born (not his bio kid.) His ex wife was just plain awful ya’ll. All I wanted was a relationship with him. The ex left him and cheated and all kinds of nasty things. But she went around and told everyone that he was cheating with some little kid. Ever since then I just can not stand when people assume that I am the “other woman.” I know that on here there are a lot of people in the same boat as I am. So I just wanted to take a moment to tell ya’ll that I feel your pain. Here is to NOT being a HOME WRECKING WHORE!


2young4this's picture

No we will have a child of our own one day. I would like to graduate college first. And I still like to go out a lot too so a baby would really stop that. SD is 11 so it is not too difficult to sneak away.

violetforest's picture

Maybe this will help you smile. Today my hubby had a meeting for the upcoming custody case with his ex. She has been telling the GAL along with the boys that I was the reason for their divorce and that we were having an affair prior to their seperation/divorce. untrue

Hubby went and got copies of the Joint therapy sessions that they both attended prior to their divorce to put an end to it all. When it got brought up at the meeting today, he pulled out the paperwork from "their" past and confronted his ex with the fact that she was the one who had been having multiple affairs and the records also showed that my hubby had attended sessions after she left him and the kids. Hubby was expressing concerns over how to tell the boys and what was appropriate etc. Therapist wrote that "subject does not express concern over raising 2 small boys on his own as he states that he was the main parent preceeding today's events, I concure as he was providing night feedings, attending preschool activities and volunteering in the day care program for his boys"

GAL came right out in front of the attorney's and asked ex what else she was attempting to cover up? hahaha GAL asked if she had indeed told the boys and ex claimed that she does not remember.

Nothing like digging the knife in. Can't help but feel a little good about this.

Synaesthete's picture

Word, lady. Wink BM knows that isn't the case in our scenario... but she's apparently the only one. (Family, friends seem to think otherwise despite being told 'Uh, no, she had nothing to do with it.' by both of them. -shrug-)