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fedup3's Blog

Fedup3 is beyond fed up now!

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Get ready for a long one because I'm about to blow! I haven't been on the site in a while because we were moving. Now that it's all said & done, it looks like I might be moving again...WITHOUT my husband and SD.

I've had it. PLEASE...if anyone out there has been to this point PLEASE let me know how you handled it because I'm really just ready to walk out the door with my 3-year old daughter and leave my husband & SD once and for all.

Fork in the road

fedup3's picture

Well folks, it's been a busy month & I haven't written or commented in a while, but today I just needed to log on & spill my guts. If I don't I think I'm going to explode.

I'm now at a point where I need to decide whether to stay or go, and the worst part is we've just sold our house & are buying a new one. The timing couldn't be WORSE.


fedup3's picture

Does anyone out there ever feel as completely helpless as I do? I'm dealing with a 13-year old stepdaughter who is spoiled beyond belief, and a husband who continually coddles her and does not punish her when she deserves it because she's been through so much crap with her mother.

I wouldn't want to be in her shoes either; HOWEVER - we are the parents and she is the child. By the court's rule, I am not to be the disciplinarian - my husband is. So what do you do when your husband is not doing the disciplining and you CAN'T?