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Moving, need advice!

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So FH got offered an amazing job, the only problem is it is on the East Coast. Currently we live on the West Coast in the same small town as BM. Due to recent events in court we have managed to obtain custodial custody of SD3. We have her 75% of the time. How will our moving affect this in court? Is there a way that BM could prevent us from moving? Does it help that we are moving for better job opportunities and to be in a better school district? The move will not happen for another seven months so we have time to work things out in court if needed.

Need advice about preschool and more!

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So FH and I want to send SD to preschool in Sept. We are willing to pay for all of it but BM doesn't want to do it because of cost. BM was all about it until she heard the price tag, however, FH and I have offered to pay ALL. Well I was wondering if there was a way we could take her to court to make her take SD to preschool? She works full time so SD has to go either to day care or preschool regardless. In your opinion is preschool worth sending a child to? Also BM has recently moved in with BF's parents. FH and I just found out that BM, BF, and SD all share one room.

Wellness Check?

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BM has recently moved in with her boyfriend and his parents. This is an uncomfortable situation for FH and me because we have not met these people nor do we know what the living situation is. We have been told that we are not welcome at the house so I was wondering if there is anyway that we could get CPS to go over there and make a report on it. I have heard about wellness checks but do not know how they work. If anyone has any advise that would be great. Also, SD has been telling day care that she doesn't want to go home with BM in fact, she said she would say with day care instead.

In the same boat?

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I enjoy this site very much, but sometimes I feel as if my situation is very different from most of the others. So I was wondering how many can relate to my situation? I have a very young SD3, I have been in her life since she had barely turned one. To her I am a parent. Also BM and my fiancé were never married. They dated for a couple of months, fought the whole time, and when BM got pregnant they split. SD has never not had two different households. None of Soon to be Hubby's family likes BM so they were ecstatic when I entered the picture.

SD3 hates her own BM?

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Okay so I have a strong dislike for BM. Why shouldn't I, she is crazy and obsessed with proving that she is better than FH. Ummm I won't even go into that. But my poor little innocent SD is being dragged into this. SD is a great kid, she is so sweet and funny, she obeys for the most part lol. But she has started to act strange as of late. She hates seeing her own mother. Who can explain that to me?

Child Support Question

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FH got a letter in the mail today saying they were asking his employer for information on his wage. Only one problem he has not paid child support since SD3 was not even 1. This is because BM and FH went to the court house and signed papers saying she did not want to recieve child support. They made some sort of agreement that he wouldn't pay it. Currently we have SD3 50% of the time plus BM makes slightly more that FH so we are not worried about having to pay child support. What we were wondering is to get this paper in the mail does that mean she is tring for child support agian.

Tax question

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So currently we have 50/50 custody with BM. We are planning to move shortly though and change to 75/25 if that. Well BM brought up what we are going to do with the tax returns today. For this year we are splitting it, but next year we are going to take all of it since we will be the true custodain parents. BM threatened to take us to court over it. Does she have a case? Would we have to give her any?

Court decision

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So to update you BM filed domestic abuse charges on FH. The charges were that he abuse her because "he called me crazy". LOL what a thing to call domestic abuse. Anyways we just got back from court, we had a lawyer while BM represented herself. She ended up making a deal with our lawyer instead of going in front of the judge. Now we have the same parenting plan the only difference she gets her for more time on Christmas this year. I swear she got so scared just because of the lawyer. But it was worth it to us because now it is on record FH has SD2 50% of the time.

Time for court HELP!

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So BM has recently put out a restraining order on FH. Apparently to him calling her crazy is domestic violence (in my opinion it is stating a fact lol)(and just a note FH has never been violent to her in anyway she is claiming emotional abuse just because they fight with each other, yep he picked a winner when he got with that one), we don't think it went through. BM's bf was the one to "serve" the papers and they came with big X's on the page. Sketchy I know, but FH is going to the court to find out for sure that it is not valid.

First step: walk away

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I have finally got a hold on the situation with BM. She is always going to wish that she was me. She is always going to wish that BF loved her as much as he loves me, she is always going to wish BF supported her like he supports me. I understand that no matter the situation she will have no logical stance on anything.
