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Court decision

SoontobeWifeandMom's picture

So to update you BM filed domestic abuse charges on FH. The charges were that he abuse her because "he called me crazy". LOL what a thing to call domestic abuse. Anyways we just got back from court, we had a lawyer while BM represented herself. She ended up making a deal with our lawyer instead of going in front of the judge. Now we have the same parenting plan the only difference she gets her for more time on Christmas this year. I swear she got so scared just because of the lawyer. But it was worth it to us because now it is on record FH has SD2 50% of the time. She likes to tell people that SD just visits her father. Can someone explain to me how a child can live some where and "visit" another place she spends the same exact time at? Oh well BM is a crazy you know what. The thing that pisses me off the most in all of this is that BM filed these papers so that FH couldn't see daughter till the court date, three weeks to be exact. So basically she legally kidnapped SD and kept an amazing father away from his child that he takes care of, yet feels no remorse. How can a person be so selfish! How can a mother be so cruel to her own child? And more over how can this be legal? The judge knew the charges were bullshit so he didn't approve the restraining order yet he believed the fact that FH might kidnap SD. Please note the reason BM said we were going to kidnap SD is because we are going to move to a different town so I can go to grad school. Hello if we tell you and make a plan with you it isn't kidnap. I just don't get how I ever made her this threatened. She told people that she only did it to make FH be nicer to her. I just want her to stop being childish and it isn't because she is getting on my nerves, I feel so bad for SD. I feel bad that her mom doesn't think about her enough, and I feel bad that I can't be there all the time to protect SD.

I am lucky enough to have a strong bond with SD, she is always telling me how much she loves me and she loves playing with my nieces and nephews, but I can't be there when she is with BM. I have a feeling she isn't getting treated the way I would prefer by BM but I can't do anything. BM has been living with her bf of five months for three months already and SD dislikes him. SD tells stories of the bf pushing BM, and I have heard many stories about how much they fight. Yet I can't save her from that and it hurts so much inside. I am happy that I moved on from being mad at BM, but now I just wish that she would grow up.

BM is trying to make it out as if FH is the bad guy but he and I will do anything to keep SD safe. Unlike her and her bf that only care about themselves. And they even are saying bad things about FH to SD. She has told us that bf's parents say things like your daddy is mean and your daddy is not nice. What kind of adults say that to a 2 year old, especially considering they have never met FH? And they have only know SD for a few short months! I feel so bad for my precise SD!


new_step_mommy's picture

I have to watch my step son go thru the exact same thing. It is stupid that the courts let this go on. Our BM bi*ches if my husband dont do enough then she b*tches when we do to much. It has to be on her terms no matter what. She is sending Christmas presents this year for "us" from "SS". My husband said "maybe we should send her that straight jacket that she needs!" LMAO! What a great present!!

I am also a BM. I get along just fine with my Ex and his wife. I have no issues what so ever with her. I think that it is the insecure ones that cannot take us Step Mom's. Smile