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FML's Blog

resolution . . . . maybe?

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Soooo last night I posted a blog and it caused some little bickering back and forth. I'm glad it did bc I'm just as conflicted on the situation. So my ex came up with a solution that I'm still not sure about. He wants to agree to a clause that states we will keep our daughter away from anyone who has a criminal past. Both my stepdaughter s SM s parents have felony criminal background s. Solves the problem right? Yeah idk . .the SM is going to be pissed thinking I pulled that agenda and ex comes out looking ok. Should I really care if SM thinks I'm a bitch?

saw something on Facebook today . . .

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It said something about everyone being freaked out about ebola and wanting to wear gloves yet aids has been around and still people won't wear condoms. I thought it was very relevant. As an added bonus found some ovulation strips in my home that expired the year SS was born. BM used to live here. I take that as a hint that she definitely got pregnant on purpose and also probably put holes in the condom. Sigh

finally have a nickname for BM

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Nothing has ever seemed to match her. I was responding on another blog about items from previous marriages when it hit me......

The AntiChrist!

It fits her so perfectly... It's so religious! The way she spouts off about God and using religion to place blame and hurt people. I have said a million times that there is something seriously wrong with that entire family. I found out what it is.... She isn't truly human... She is the AntiChrist....

o/t very ttc

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Anyone who knows me on here knows I have been ttc for four years now. It has been a long painful process. I had an ectopic pregnancy earlier this year and doctor insisted on me being on nuvaring afterwards. Now I'm off and trying to conceive again and it's driving me nuts being off of it. I always feel pregnant and I don't think I'm ovulating according to the Ovulation predictor kits. I'm going insane and I'm so upset and can't function.

ugh such a cluster f***

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I have never done pick up or drop off for SS6 in the 5 plus years we have been married. I wasn't even supposed to be meeting BM. It was supposed to be her husband. I was stupid enough to take mil along as I had an appointment. Her husband was supposed to meet me at 3 at a certain spot. He never showed and of course ALL BM phones were cut off due to non payment. We were an hour and a half a way from home. I figure I'll just head home and let my DH handle it later right ? NOPE I let myself be bullied by MIL into going to her house to pick up SS.

please help . .cat issues

FML's picture

My cat is 2.5 years old. She has always eaten the same food and occasionally gets hairballs. Last night around midnight, she started throwing up a few times after gagging. It looks like her food. I think she may have possibly eaten a bug. But all night she keeps gagging but hasn't thrown up. Does anyone have anything that I can try? I'm freaking out and the vet doesn't open for four hours. But then again bringing her to the vet is always a huge ordeal. . She hates it. . Fights it . . .hyperventilate in the car.. I normally get anxiety meds from vet before I have to bring her it's so bad.
