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FML's Blog

Make Paternity Fraud Illegal

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I'm so sick of hearing stories on the news and on here about these BMs who get away with paternity fraud. Where the BMs either let someone who isn't the father sign the birth certificate or where BMs trick a man into thinking he's a father. I personally think that a DNA test should be performed with EVERY birth regardless of marital status before a father can be added to the birth certificate. This would save time, money and effort on behalf of the state welfare system and there would be no question who is the father when child support time comes.

If it looks like a duck.....

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I've said this a million times....

If it looks like a duck
If it quacks like a duck
If it walks like a duck

It's probably a fucking duck.

If he cares about BMs feelings more than you're own
If he puts her needs above yours
If he lets you be disrespected in the process......

HE IS FUCKING HER!!! This world revolves around sex and money honey.
Men are simple creatures. And if he is doing the above things and disregarding you then he is getting better and more frequent sex from BM.

Advice- I don't want to blow this.

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A few years ago my mom up and left. She went to another state where she had family for a "job" to support the family and never came back. My sister was 13 and my brother was 16. My dad was left with these two teenagers by himself with no explanation of what was going on. My sister went to visit family in the state and soon met mom's bf. I have also met him and have no problem with him. I do have a problem with her though. My daughter was young when she left and my mom makes no effort to make contact with my daughter or my sister.


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Has anyone ever tried aromatherapy? I need to do some shopping because I'm depressed. I have a Victoria Secret Credit card and just found out that I can also use it at bath and body works. They have a line of oils and lotions for things like sleep and stress relief. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck. Xanax isn't working well enough anymore.

Love for a Child.

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Someone posted about this earlier and I thought I would elaborate something that me and my partner think. We love our children like there's no tomorrow but our relationship comes first. Even though we are parents, one day our children will move away and have lives of their own. When that happens, all we will have is each other in the end. Our children's needs come first but all we have is each other. This is just our perspective

lesbian and gays

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I just wanted to point out the irony that I referred my best friend here. She read blogs today for the first time. Lol I guess it was just good timing she is a lesbian in a partnership with a woman for 3 years who has children with her ex husband. Thank you to the ladies who stood out in the issue.


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I'm stuck in a pickle and I'm just not sure what to do. When FDH and I met we lived apart. It was hard because he works offshore. He is only home 6 days a month. I moved up to where he was because at the time my ex was becoming crazy and my DD8 and I needed a change of scenery and to start over. His parents were so encouraging and said they would support us however they could especially since FDH is gone so much and I know no one in town. Well of course slowly but surely it seems my FMIL is just out to get me.
