stepmama2one's Blog
Today's my birthday. Woopidy Doo!
On my bday I don't expect much. However, it's lovely that everything I do all year makes a bit of fucking difference and is definitely overlooked. Asked DH to to please take the trash out when I go work. Come home, it's not done. Come home to a sink full of dishes, food all over the kitchen, load of laundry in the dryer, mess in the living room. Would of been nice of someone to show some appreciatiin. So now I'm doing all that after working an 8 hour shift. Oh and SD is so far up BM's add that even though she has been online all day I haven't heard a peep from her.
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Question about child support and taxes.
Haven't been on here since I found out SD was approached by a girl at school telling her SD's BM told her to write SD a note to see if SD wanted her to file for custody. So far we haven't heard anything yet but who knows.
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Update on calling CPS on a family member.
So family member was told that if she didn't enter treatment, get a place to live, and get a job that she would lose her child forever. As some of you may know, I called CPS on my family member about a month ago. Well after a couple of weeks family member entered treatment and her child is in foster care.
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SD just keeps messing up.
As some of you may know, SD was in and online incident about a month ago and has been stealing my things We had taken away her belongings and she was not allowed around anything that was able to access the internet. She was told that at school she would only be allowed to use pencil and paper, that she wouldn't be allowed to access their computers because that's where the incidents were happening.
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Update for the day.
BD is still sick of course, wish I knew a way to break this fever. She has been out of school for three days and I'm sure her school will get on my ass for it. As for the money situation. I sold two pigs today so I have enough money to cover us on things we need until we can get caught up so I'm thankful for that. Dh and I spoke with SD and told her because of her actions she won't be going on the school trip next week. She didn't say anything except for okay. So my day was full and I think I will have another full night of taking care of BD with her cough and fever.
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I HATE being broke!
I hate bills and life sometimes! This week we barely have enough money to pay the bills. SD pulled her shit a couple of weeks ago and the juvenile officer said she either needed to go to counseling or she would be going to juvy and be put on probation. Since we didn't want to see her in kiddy jail we decided to take her to counseling to see if that would straighten her out. This counselor wants to of course see her every single week and now we are footing the bill for that on top of all the other shit we are having to pay for.
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Tax interception for child support question.
This is about my last blog. My DH received notice that money was taken from his ex for past support. We have never had a tax interception so I don't know how this works. Okay so my question is do they take money for past due support from Federal AND state tax refunds?
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Anyone in Missouri know who long CSE holds a intercepted tax refund for child support?
My DH received notice that $893.00 was paid to CSE on 4-13-15. It has been credited but not disbursed yet. I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with this before. We have not because until last year BM never held a job long enough to even file taxes, so this would be the first year that it is intercepted. I was told that it could take anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months to give time for her spouse to file injured spouse. I don't know why he would file injured spouse because he owes child support also to all of his kids.
Anybody recommend a blog site?
I love this site for stepparent issues but I was wondering if anyone knows of any blog sites that are pretty decent? I actually started a blog today at but didn't know if that was a good place.
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How many of you think your skids MIA or mostly MIA BM will try getting your skids for Mother's Day?
I will start. As in previous blogs you may be able to tell that BM is always MIA. Never wants anything to do with SD unless it is good for herself or makes herself feel or look better. I have a really big hunch that even though BM has been out of SD's life 95% of her life she will still be getting ahold of DH come Mother's Day expecting to be able to have her daughter.