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harleygirl's Blog

Breaking the news a new baby is on the way..

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I would love stories of how BM took the news that you step mom and DH are expecting a child together. DH and I just found out yesterday and are telling ss5 and bs 12,17,19 tonight. I'm sure BM will have breakdown since she thinks after she went through years of fertility issues with DH that I would have no chance of getting preggers. However, we were very very blessed and it only took 6 months!
How did your steps handle the news and BM or family?

Medical decisions

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Question for you guys... I'd like to know how you guys handle medical decisions if both parents don't agree.. Example BM has ss5 on inhaler everyday twice a day and more if he coughs. DH has history of alergies and we live in terrible allergy area. He believes ss needs to see allergy specialist to be tested and possibly start allergy shots. So who decides?

How sad

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ss5 called me Saturday morning from his childs cell phone DH bought him to tell me he missed me and DH. Called back and talked to him, he told us when BM goes away for work he wants to come to our house and he misses us. Also called DH and FIL to talk. Very sweet. Yesterday ss left message for DH with BM in background laughing and feeding him what to say telling DH he doesn't want to spending Halloween with him. It was very forced call and he sounded confused about what he was saying.

Good night, and BM vent

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So after all the drama yesterday DH texted me and said lets go to dinner alone tonight and talk. We did and things went really well. He listened to my concerns about our time when ss5 comes over and our totally different parenting styles. We agreed to try to better communicate before things get out of hand. He apologized for saying we should split because that's the last thing he'd ever want. So Ya good evening.

Horrible weekend

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Sad I've read enough on here to know my situation isn't the worst case, but it's mine and it's hard. I've begun to resent ss5 so much these last couple months. BM and MIL are having worse and worse impact on his behavior and I just can't stand to look at him anymore.

Opinons needed

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So it's probably the same ol story for many of us, but I wanted opinons... BM is VERY overbearing and co dependent with ss5. Examples; sleep in same bed since birth, refused to go out of town for work stating would rather lose job than lose one day with ss6... just two small examples... my question is what point when these BM go so crazy over the top with babying and hendering a childs natural growth by making them regress is it considered harmful to the child???

Need advice..sorry it's long

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So yesterday was DH and my anniversary. We posted on last night BM decided to make it her mission to go way over the top and ruin it. here's the setting..she has first right of refusal which DH tries to follow the rules, however she NEVER does and when I say never I mean that any RULE applied to joint legal custody she changing daycares, making doctor apts and having mil who we do not speak to take ss5, made specific arrangements with mil to pick ss up everyday from babysitter on her days thus meaning she doesn't give DH first right anyday.

Forgot to close out of blog and DH read it!

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So forgot to close out of my last session couple weeks ago and before DH went to bed saw it when turning off computer... :jawdrop: I was already asleep so I didn't know. The minute I woke up however I knew something was wrong. I asked him and he told me he read it. The last thing I wrote about was the feeling that I needed to run because of the drama from BM and SS. I said ok and we talked about what I wrote and how I feel. He said it was a huge wake up call to actually see it in writing out there for others to see.

Good day

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So Fourth of July started rocky but turned out to be great day. Other than my ex drama DH kids and I had a good day. ss5 swam like a fish which makes me so proud because until last Saturday he though he'd drown if he came close to deep end, and now he jumps off diving board and even tried to swim to bottom to touch!! He asked me swim him down so he could touch deep end bottom lol. My oldest ds and his girlfriend played in the pool, and my youngest ds did to until he abruptly had to leave. Every ate a ton then did fireworks. All in all it was a really good day.
