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KatDarling's Blog


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Oh my god. I am in shock right now but I am going to attempt to write out my feelings as clearly as possible because I really need some support and advice.

My FDH has a history of drug use and addiction, luckily now he is clean, happy and healthy. He met BM at a time when he was using and their relationship revolved around drugs until BM found out she was pregnant. I knew about FDH's past but he is clean now and that was what mattered to me.

Just Need to Vent After Time with FSD9

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During our time with FSD9 FDH and I decided to take her to an amusement park. I suggested that we bring along a friend for FSD9 so that she would have someone to ride certain rides with and stuff. FDH vetoed the idea and said that it should just be the three of us. I was immediately worried, FSD is always on better bheavior when a friend is around.

BM Disregarding FSD's Best Interests

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Have any of you ever dealt with a BM that was so immature, selfish and caught up in her own drama that she was overlooking the best interests of her children?

FSD9 recently stayed a weekend with FDH and me. Over the course of the weekend she made several comments ...

1. Ugh, I have to suck in my stomach all the time.
2. Ew, I'm so fat.
3. I have been trying to eat less chicken nuggets so I can lose weight.

Issues Surrounding FSD's Dance Recital, Reconsidering my Engagement

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Today the issues surrounding FSD's dance recital reached a point where I am considering ending my engagement.

I asked FDH if he wanted to go to a sporting event on Sunday. He told me that he couldn't because FSD has a dance recital. I was completely taken aback. This was the first I heard about this dance recital. This was pretty much our conversation ...

WTF?! (Warning - Sexual Content)

KatDarling's picture

My FDH and I have a bar that we hang out at fairly frequently, I used to work there, he DJS there sometimes, that's actually how we met. We hang out there together pretty regularly, sometimes when he is DJing, sometimes just for fun. On Monday we were there together and then on Tuesday (yesterday) he was having a few drinks there by himself after work. Later on Tuesday we were at home together having dinner when he mentioned something odd that had happened at the bar when he was there earlier.

A Woman we both sort of know came up to him and said ...

Wanting to Disengage

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After another night with FSD9 I really wish I could disengage. I love FDH very much and he wants me around FSD but we seem to have different expectations for family time. In my opinion if I am going to be around FSD9 I am going to correct her behavior as I see fit. FDH agrees with me about 75% of the time but the other 25% I get the impression that he thinks I should keep quiet.

BM's most upsetting lie yet

KatDarling's picture

I do my best not to let BM's lies phase me. I take the appropriate action and try not to take her words to heart because I know that she is just a petty liar and honestly, a bitch. However, she is suddenly telling me that when my FDH and I first got together he was still sleeping with her and that he doesn't love me.

BM vent/rant

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I just need to get out some of the things that annoy me about BM. I'm hoping it will make me feel better.

FDH pays many of your bills, your parents give you grocery money and you only work two days a week, if that! Yet you still complain that you have no money. You are 31 years old, work more than two days a week and you will have money you moron.

You are just impossibly trashy. Your good friend is eight months pregnant and you go to their house, get drunk, and try to make out with her boyfriend? Who does that?
