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k8tie's Blog

SD8 back to school and accidents

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SD8 will be starting back to school soon but still wets her pants at least 2-3 times a week. I am worried about how school will handle this. I am NOT looking forward to having to go up to the school to deal with this problem all the time! Is there anyone else here that has had to deal with the school and "accidents"? It's hard enough dealing with it at home but dealing with this problem at school is going to drive me more crazy. How does everyone else here handle this issue?? I have tried everything I can think of to get her to stop but nothing has worked.

Still dealing with SD8 and her babyish ways!

k8tie's picture

Hi, its been a long time since I posted. I decided to take a break from the computer for awhile and it actually felt pretty good. I am wondering if behavior like this never stops! I am sick and tired of her playing the "I cant do things myself" role ALL the time. She STILL wets the bed every single night and still has issues during the day on average 1-2 times a week! I cant even take her anywhere fearing that she will wet her pants and constantly having to turn down invitations that require overnight stays.

Dreading holiday visit with my sister

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I cant wait to get to see my sister for the holiday this weekend but I am also DREADING it. We will be there till Tuesday and I HATE the fact that SD8 has to go along! She whines and pouts ALL the time, cant do things for herself and STILL wets the bed every single night. Its SOO embarrassing going anywhere with her, especially if we have to spend the night. I always have to rearrange my plans if we have to spend the night somewhere and try to find a baby sitter for her. I am dreading being embarrassed because of her around my sister.

$$$ out the window

k8tie's picture

As alot of you already know, my SD is 8 and still wets (floods) the bed every single night and alot of the time during the day if we are out somewhere or in the car longer then an hour. I am SOO tired of spending money on diapers and I was wondering if anyone here uses cloth diapers and if it was even an option. She is average height, just SUPER skinny and is just bearly 40 lbs if that. The pull ups were a joke as they leaked ALL the friggan time and were a heck of alot more then diapers.

Checking in/update

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Hey everyone! Its been a long time since I have been on so I thought I would give you an update. Snatquatch (BM) has not contacted SD8 since she moved to Florida months ago. SD hasnt really mentioned or asked about her as much as I thought she would. She seems to be adjusting to being here full time and I know it will take time to work out ALL her issues. Her day wetting has its ups and downs. She can go a week without wetting herself and then wet her pants for 3-4 days straight!

Back from a break

k8tie's picture

After taking a long break from my computer, I am back and wanted to give you all an update on how SD8 has been doing. Her extreme babyish behavior has been slowly stopping but we are still having the "not making it to the bathroom on time issue", especially when we are in the car going somewhere and she wont tell us she needs to go until she has to go right then and there or I hear I couldn't hold it no more!!! Its getting more and more frustrating taking her places due to these so called accidents.

Not having a good day today!

k8tie's picture

I was on a cleaning frenzy all morning and the whole time I was dreading going into SD8's room to clean/vaccume etc but I knew it had to be done...GOD forbid she does it herself. As soon as I opened the door to her room, I was almost knocked over by the smell. We have to keep her door closed because of the pee smell from her wetting the bed. Anyways, I reluctantly went in to invesitgate and searched and searched ALL over for the source and was about to give up when I decided to check behind her dresser.

Update and vent

k8tie's picture

Well...we now have FULL custody of SD8 as "Snatchquatch" decided to up and move to Florida. She signed full custody over to Dad and SD has not seen or heard from her since. It has been hectic over here and we have finally scheduled an apt with a psychologist for her on Wednesday. As expected, SD has not handled the situation well. She has been having numerous accidents during the day again like she did before and basically going backwards (regressing). She is no longer doing things for herself and will cry and whine and pout when Dad or I wont step in and do it for her.

BM moving to Florida

k8tie's picture

Well, we just found out last night that Snatchsquatch is moving to Florida next month and she decided it would be in the best interest of SD8 that she give full custody to Dad. I dont know how I feel about it right now, its still sinking in. Knowing her past, I dont see her making any attempt to come see her or paying for SD to come see her. I dont know if I can deal with SD ALL the time with her issues she has! Snatchquatch has issues of babying SD8 and letting her do whatever she wants when at her house. Any ideas on how this will affect SD?

Another poop/pee/diaper blog

k8tie's picture

I know there are a couple SM's here that have had to resort to putting the SKIDS back in diapers at night (I am one of them) but how many of you had your SO's backing? I got to the point where I didnt care what DH thought because I was the one washing and I was the one dealing with the smell NOT HIM! Never in a million years did I expect to have an 8 year old that still wears diapers to bed! AND....BM still sticks to her excuse that she is ONLY 8 and that she will outgrow it when she is ready! And when will that be?? When she is 15? 16? Hello!!! Get a grip already!
