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Update and vent

k8tie's picture

Well...we now have FULL custody of SD8 as "Snatchquatch" decided to up and move to Florida. She signed full custody over to Dad and SD has not seen or heard from her since. It has been hectic over here and we have finally scheduled an apt with a psychologist for her on Wednesday. As expected, SD has not handled the situation well. She has been having numerous accidents during the day again like she did before and basically going backwards (regressing). She is no longer doing things for herself and will cry and whine and pout when Dad or I wont step in and do it for her. I am having a very hard time dealing with this and I feel if I disengage, it will make the problem worse. I DO love her but, I dont love how she acts! SD sees NO problem with the way she is acting and isnt the least bit embarrassed either! We were invited to a barbeque this weekend and I (we) had to decline because of her "accidents" and childish behavior. Its starting to get warm here and the ONLY thing that works maybe 20% of the time is taking her bike away until she starts acting like a big girl. Once she gets to ride, she is right back to doing it again. She is totally manipulating us to get what she wants. I know she is going through a hard time dealing with BM moving but...whats the best way I can cope with it without going crazy myself?? She needs to see that acting like that is NOT acceptable right??? I just needed to take the time to vent on here before I vent on SO or anyone else for that matter. SO is sympathetic and is apologetic to me regarding her behavior as he is at his wits end over it as well. I would like to know how all of you would deal or cope with this issue. Thanks for letting me vent!
