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Another poop/pee/diaper blog

k8tie's picture

I know there are a couple SM's here that have had to resort to putting the SKIDS back in diapers at night (I am one of them) but how many of you had your SO's backing? I got to the point where I didnt care what DH thought because I was the one washing and I was the one dealing with the smell NOT HIM! Never in a million years did I expect to have an 8 year old that still wears diapers to bed! AND....BM still sticks to her excuse that she is ONLY 8 and that she will outgrow it when she is ready! And when will that be?? When she is 15? 16? Hello!!! Get a grip already!



k8tie's picture

She was having issues during the day but for a long time but thankfully she is past that for the most part. I have to learn to ignore the comments I get from my family about it. I would get mad at first but now I just let it go in 1 ear and out the other. With her, its not medical and 90% laziness. I dont know how you can outgrow laziness as BM says. She knows she has to go but chooses not to. If she really hates wearing diapers as much as she says she does, then all she has to do is TRY!!! If she wants to wear diapers till she is 10 or 11 (GOD HELP ME) that point, I will be taking her to the store, picking them out and bringing them up to the counter to pay for them herself! I am NOT going to waste my hard earned money on big kid pull ups either....they are worthless in my opinion!


Rags's picture

I say let her stew in her rancid reeking mess. If she does this on purpose let her stay in it all damned day. When her butt and genital areas get so raw she shreeks when she bathes or when air hits her skin she will get the message. If she craps or pees herself at night .... send her to school without bathing. The kids will fix her problem in a hurry with public ridicule and humiliation if not with a very public shower party at the gym locker room/showers.

Make sure to buy a plastic matress and no sheets. She can sleep on plastic with a plastic pillow and can clean it each morning with Lysol or a water/clorox mixture. After school each day give her a big plastic or galvanized wash tub and put her in a confined space with her crappy nasty clothes to wash them out by hand. If she pukes from the smell, even better.

If there is no medical issue then the fix has to be full and total accountability for her behavior with all of the odiferous consequences that her bahavior entails.

When I was in boarding school we had a 7th grade bed wetter/crapper. He was just too damned lazy to wake up and his parents had never held him accountable. During his first few days in my unit I met with the school nurse to discuss the problem. The nurse called the parents who said that they had taken to docs and that there was nothing wrong with him other than he was lazy.

My younger Cadets fixed his issues with a shower party in about three days flat. They dragged him to showers, doused him with Lysol, LimeAway, etc then ripped his clothes off of him and scrubberd him down with stiff floor scrub brushes with long handles. He was raw for a week. They told him that he would get the same treatment each and every time he stunk up the barracks area. He never pissed or crapped himself again after the first time his fellow New Cadets dealt with the problem. Shower parties were a favorite right of passage and problem resolution strategy at boarding school.

Let her stink and let her peers solve this one.

IMHO of course.