What to do when you're... Already Gone
Hi there. I'm Already Gone (Ann) and it's nice to be here. I just wish I found ya'll sooner. Like way before I ever got involved in this stepmother nightmare. It would have saved me from traveling down this dark path of insanity that has become my life.
When I read so many of your stories, I feel as if I could have written them myself... comforting and downright scary all at the same time.
*Lite background: 42, married nearly 8 years. 2 self-centered, lazy, and entitled adult steps (now 18 and 24) and 1 passive aggressive husband who lives in denial. Oh, and let's not forget the crazy BM and the MIL who hates me. There aren't enough happy pills on the planet to make any of them seem remotely normal to me.
2 weeks ago, my adoring (sic) husband suggested that I take medication because I am angry all the time, and because I am nothing like the woman I was, when he met me 9 yrs ago. Of course this was after yet another attempt at honest/open communication on my part followed by 1 week of silent treatment on his. I suppose that was my punishment. Funny, I seem to be the only person in his life who gets punished. SSDD! Naturally my thought is this... I was a happy and positive person when I met him and that lasted up until I got to know his 'owners.' Like many of you, this is where my happy ending... well, ends. The truth is, I already have my divorce papers ready to go. I had them drawn up 5 months ago. I have been holding on to them in the hopes that things will somehow change but, my hopes are quickly dwindling. As a matter of fact, I packed a bag and walked out last week. At first, he was willing to go to therapy to try and work things out. OMG, he was so sorry. I am the love of his life. Knowing me has made him a better man, etc., etc., etc. Yesterday, his attitude changed drastically and I was discarded like so much trash... complete with vulgarities and the stunning news that there was something horribly wrong with me. Not him, not them... me. You know what? He's right. It is me. I am the reason why things can't get better. You see, I refuse to kiss his 'owners' a$$es. I refuse to keep my mouth shut while his adult children attempt to run my life. I refuse to continue being an open wallet. I refuse to conduct myself dishonestly so as not to offend their delicate nature. I will not simply 'go along to get along.' It isn't who I am and it was never who I was. I am the same person I've always been, just more jaded, disappointed, stressed out, hurt, and resentful. Hell yes, I'm angry. Who wouldn't be!
More to come later. Thanks to anyone out there reading this.
WOW...Thats sad. Hope it
WOW...Thats sad. Hope it gets better.
Thanks. I stopped hoping for
Thanks. I stopped hoping for better a long time ago. I just hope for sanity now, lol.
Funny I am angry all the time
Funny I am angry all the time too, and I am just the on again and off again girlfriend (I am determined to keep my own life). I get way angrier than I should about a lot of little things. I know if I was in a fresh relationship with no baggage and no passive aggressive, entitled stepdaughter I would NOT be so angry. The daughter32 has treated me awful and her father is passive aggressive too. His daughter is the love of his life whereas I am just the sidekick. She is the center attraction, whereas i am the sideshow. Although my SO claims to love me with his whole heart, his sense of obligation is only towards his daughter-wife. I disengaged about 8 months ago. He tried to blame me for not getting along with his perfect daughter who is blameless and has never done anything wrong. However this perfect daughter hated her own mother, now deceased, so why should I, the girlfriend suceed, where her own mother failed?
Those feelings will not go
Those feelings will not go away. They will intensify more and more. Before it's over, you will feel like you have to make him the priority in your life, when all you are is the option in his. That resentment will grow until there is absolutely no love left. How can that situation not make someone angry? I'm tired of fighting a losing battle so I am walking away even if it breaks my heart to do it. I was (I AM) worth more than he'll ever realize.
I hope that you will take care of YOU. Wishing you peace.
This is the scariest story
This is the scariest story ever and I think a lot of us will end up in this situation.
MORAL: RUN away before you marry any man with kids
AlreadyGone, I also walked.
AlreadyGone, I also walked. You are right, those feelings will not go away if the circumstances won't change. I had to be hit over the head with a brick (figuratively speaking) a million times before the light came on and I knew to my soul that NOTHING WOULD EVER CHANGE. It is hard but there is no going back now and I'm good!
I was told in my face that
I was told in my face that nothing will ever change. By my ex and his mother once - they were literary screaming it in one voice in my face and then another time by my ex. So I guess I was not just hit with a brick but it was hammered in my head twice for me to get to the realization that these people are who they are and like what they are and will never ever change and prefer to live in hate , dysfunction and drama. I guess that is why his brother never sees his family - just once a year for 2 days and stays locked in his room the majority of the time.
Walking away was the best thing I have done . I wish I did it earlier.No turning back and only men who do not have children and want to start a family should apply :).
SSDD .... I mutter this to
SSDD .... I mutter this to myself alot when DH is on a roll with the adult skids !!!
Thank you for sharing your story, I'm going to be reaching a crossroads situation in less than a year too. Have you already made plans about what you will be doing or going ?? I wonder sometimes about this, should I be planning an exit plan now.... Just in case ?? ( I already have a little secret stash of cash )
Good luck for your fresh start .....
Thanks for reading my
Thanks for reading my story... I moved to be with him so my plan is to move back to my hometown as soon as I find a new position there. For now, I am staying with a friend and beating myself up pretty good for being so blind to the red flags that were definitely waving in the beginning. Too bad love doesn't come with an on/off switch, lol. It didn't help that he kept promising things would change. He would make just enough tiny changes to make it seem real. Then as soon as I got comfortable, he would revert back to old habits. When I objected again, he would clam up on me. Now I understand that saying what I wanted to hear just to shut me up was nothing short of lying right to my face. All he did was waste 9 yrs of both of our lives. Of course, he's pretty much wasted every year of his own life tending to his thoughtless, selfish, lunatic family so to him, what was 9 more? :sick:
If you're seeing any signs now that make you think twice about anything, I would say yes, make an exit plan. No one says you have to use it, just have one as a contingency. Luckily, I kept every penny of my inheritance and though I am far from well off, I can be comfortable enough to take care of myself for a good while. I hope your situation never comes to that. Broken hearts heal slowly. Good luck to you as well.
Amen! And thanks. You're
Amen! And thanks. You're right, it is abusive. I happen to know that he has never frozen out his family, not his kids, his mother, and certainly not his ex-wife. No matter what they do, they are treated like gold. I suppose I could have played their game... mouth shut and hands open but, I was raised with values and morals. I am not for sale, at any price!
I am sorry it has come to
I am sorry it has come to this for you. I hope his owners are willing to be there for him for the rest of his life.
Oh, they'll be there.... just
Oh, they'll be there.... just as long as the wallet is open. I often laughed to myself when they got what they wanted and then ignored him for weeks and months...only to come back expecting more payout. Sad when you really think about it.
Thanks. I know that I'll find
Thanks. I know that I'll find happiness one day. Right now I feel like a truck hit me and left me battered on the side of the road but, I also know that I am better off. It just stings a little.
He never spoke to me so badly as he did yesterday. I was truly shocked. It was like Jekyll and Hyde on steroids. Kind of like speaking to his ex-wife or his daughter. Seems crazy.
So you're typing your Threat
So you're typing your Threat from your hotel room because you left for good. Right?
Not sure what you mean by
Not sure what you mean by typing my threat. I grabbed a bag and left not knowing that things would get so bad. I do not plan on going back. My brother is coming up to collect my things for me. Since I already have the paperwork from my attorney, all I have to do is pay to have him served. I am staying with a girlfriend at the moment until I can find employment back home, at which point I will be moving back to my hometown.
All of this began when I objected to buying his son a car. He was already given a car which he ran in to the ground. This kid does not work, refuses to do anything for himself, and puts absolutely no effort in to anything. He wants to go to college (and will be in the fall) yet hasn't lifted a finger for himself to get there. He didn't even fill out the application himself. Hubby will be paying whatever the federal government doesn't. When I spoke my opinion and offered up a suitable compromise, hubby looked me right in the face and told me that I was right and that he wasn't going to buy him a car. One month later, he's back to buying his son a car and forgot to tell me about it. Obviously, I was pissed. When I attempted to talk to hubby, he clammed up and I walked out. SSDD. This kind of thing happens all the time. I've had enough. It's not that I'm against parents helping their children. I just think that that help should come while the child makes an effort to do things for themselves. Show me some effort and I'll go that extra mile but, until then, you're on your own.
After the way hubby spoke to me, I will never go back, though I do believe that he will attempt to make amends with me. I don't know, maybe his mask finally dropped enough for me to see the monster underneath. I don't come from that sort of thing so I have no plans on ever returning. Actually, he'll be lucky if my brother doesn't stomp him after some of things that have happened. More on that later. I feel like a big enough fool right now. :sick:
You gotta do what you gotta
You gotta do what you gotta do! Don't beat yourself up. My motto: "choose happiness".
Thanks! It's funny you should
Thanks! It's funny you should say 'choose' happiness. I feel like had hubby been honest with me from the beginning, I would have chosen differently. KWIM? I feel like he cheated me out of making a healthy decision for myself by always telling me what I wanted to hear instead of telling me the truth. I know. What man is going to tell you flat out that you'll always come last or that your thoughts and opinions are meaningless? Can anyone say 'Naive!' :? It's not like I was 18 when I met him. Geez, I was 33 and thought I had some worldly experience, LMAO! Like I said, I feel foolish. Scratch that. I feel totally stupid. Trying to fix that now.
It is pain. It is hit you in
It is pain. It is hit you in the gut and make you drop pain! Thing is, I am angrier at myself than at him. He didn't lead me anywhere I obviously wasn't willing to go. The brick wall I beat my head against... was of my own making. He was never going to change. It was my wishful thinking that kept this nightmare going this long. God, I feel stupid, lol. Well, my rose colored glasses are broken so time to look at this situation with eyes wide open, in the full light of day.
Thanks and hugs back to you.
I suggest the book emotional
I suggest the book emotional blackmail by susan forward.
Best $15 you'll ever spend and it will help you identify and cope with emotional manipulators in all your work/personal/familial etc relationships.
Good luck
Thank you. I'll have to check
Thank you. I'll have to check out that book.
I truly wish you the best of
I truly wish you the best of luck with the marriage counseling. I don't think it would have made a bit of difference in my situation. He would have just lied to the therapist too. There were just too many outside influences to change my path. Keep the faith.
I don't feel as alone here. This place is exactly what I needed. Common sense and no BS, lol.
There are too many of us here. Makes me very sad.
Take care and please keep me updated.
Lots of luck to you. You may
Lots of luck to you. You may feel like you were hit by a truck now but you will be SOOOO glad in the long run. I can understand helping skids out but TWO cars - not.
This too shall pass. That's
This too shall pass. That's what I keep saying to myself. I know it's a temporary feeling but, I do grieve for the years lost that I can never get back. 33 was a lot easier than 42, lol. Oh well, I always wondered what 'having baggage' felt like.... now I know
Thanks. I'll need some luck, lol.
I agree that you've made the
I agree that you've made the right decision because you know he will not change nor will the dynamic with his kids. Try not to beat yourself up over missing the red flags. You need to take care of you. Be good to yourself and know that you are on the road to peace.
You're so right. He'll never
You're so right. He'll never change and that's why I have to move on. I did what I could to salvage my marriage but, it takes 2 to fix what's broken and he doesn't see where it needs to be fixed. Thanks for your kind words.
You have so much courage, and
You have so much courage, and that will get you through this.
Things will never change until your DH changes, and that does not seem to be happening any time soon.
My DH has 3 young adults, and I want nothing to do with them, bc they are horrible. They also thought they owned DH, and luckily, he woke up. If he had not, I would not be with him, bc I would be in your situation.
You deserve so much more, and you will find happiness!
I'm glad that your hubby is
I'm glad that your hubby is working with you. He obviously values your marriage which seems pretty rare in these step-situations. Continued good wishes to you. Thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks for the support and I
Thanks for the support and I do plan on sticking around for awhile. Reading all of the other stories here will keep me from backsliding. I really need that. I will try my best to keep my story updated as it unfolds. It is bound to be interesting as I have no doubt the MIL and the BM will take this opportunity to slam me around as much as possible. SSDD! lol. Besides, if my story helps even one other person then it will be worth it in the end.
How does your DH feel about that letter? I hope he see's it for the manipulation tactic that it is.
Peace to you.
If my MIL and BM were dead,
If my MIL and BM were dead, my story would probably be quite different. It's tiring when you're up against the crowd with no one on your side. It began as me against the BM and grew from there. I guess he decided that they were all more important than me.
If you've thought about leaving (and I have for 3 years) then you already know what you have to do. When it's time, you will. When that day comes, the sense of relief is almost as strong as the pain of losing what you thought was your world. At some point, you get to a place where you just know that life is too short for so much unhappiness. Aren't you worth so much more? I decided that I was.
Best of luck to you. Keep looking for that peace within yourself.
Best of luck to you! We
Best of luck to you! We admire your courage. Keep stopping back in here for reinforcement or to give others your advice ok?
Thank you and I'll be
Thank you and I'll be sticking around for awhile. I will probably need some reinforcement, and reading all of the stories here will help to keep my head clear.
I did what you did . I stayed
I did what you did . I stayed for 3 1/2 years - a week before the signing of the marriage license something happened( long story) very trivial but yet telling about how and what my life will be . It was like a wake up call and the bulb went on. I started asking him questions and realized that this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too.
I left because I would have gone crazy if I stayed in his situation. At the end he told me that nothing will change. Then that he does not love me and does not feel anything in his heart for me.
Emotionally was very hard but now 10 months later I realized it is the best thing I have ever done.
You are right about the BM , MIL and everybody getting in one unit against you. It is weird and strange but I guess this is what these situations are like.
It is not an easy road - but it feels so good when you are at the end of it.The rewards are amazing. Stay focused on yourself , surround yourself with love and family and friends that will support you and love , love on yourself. You are precious, you are loved and amazing :).
I am 33 soon to be 34 and I will not settle for a guy with kids . There are plenty of men out there who want to build a family and know more about partnership and respect.
Oh, the loser guy contacted me after 10 months of no contact. I deleted the email - bye bye , good riddance!Find another victim
I wish I had waited a little
I wish I had waited a little longer to actually marry him. Maybe I would have seen how badly this was destined to get. Like you, if I kept going down this dark path, I knew I would go insane. The only person expected to change was ME. Sadly, I wasn't the one who needed to change.
I don't know what the future holds but, at least I don't feel invisible when I wake up these days.
I am sorry that your fiance was so cruel to you in the end. It was uncalled for and totally classless. I am glad to hear that your life is getting better. Makes me realize that I CAN do this! Thank you for sharing your experience and taking the time to reply.
Alreadygone, you're
Alreadygone, you're absolutely right it would have been far easier to have gotten on with your life at 33 than it is at 42, however I have just turned 60 and I have to tell you, at 42 you are just a baby. You're 40's are the best years of your life, thank God you made the smartest decision you could have and got out early. You could have tried to stick this out for another 9 years, then you would have wasted 18 years of your life. Don't beat yourself up, these guys are so clever at pulling the wool over our eyes, we "love" them and as women, we usually fall hook line and sinker. We give our all for love, while they give what they can if they can. However, they have daughters/sons to look after and for some of our husbands, the adult stepkids will always be the kids, they cannot see they have grown up, or more likely don't want to admit they have grown up, this way they still get to have control. If they dish out the money, then they get to keep the kids.. I actually feel more sorry for these guys than I do us, we at least have a chance of having a normal life, we know the feelings they have for their adult children are not normal, that these feelings are holding back not only their kids, but them as well, our DH's may never figure that out, they may never have a chance at living a normal happy life. I sincerely wish you all the very best. I know what you have been through, and am glad you are out of it. Don't dwell too much on the 9 years you lost or being 42, be glad you havent wasted 9 1/2 years or 20 years, be glad you're not 52 or 62. You gave this your best, you are young enough to start again, you have a chance now of living a normal happy life, you will do well, you clearly are a strong woman, and in a short while that strength will return. I wish you all the very best.
Thanks for the words of
Thanks for the words of encouragement. You'll never know how much I appreciate all of the support I have received here.
Thank you for your support
Thank you for your support and kind words. 42 isn't old at all, nor is 51 :).
I just feel like the last 9 years were so wasted and looking back at other options that I had before I made my HUGE mistake almost makes me cry....almost.
I feel cheated and lied to, as I'm sure many other SM's here feel. It's ridiculous the insanity we are faced with on a daily basis.
Ladies, I am 48 and starting
Ladies, I am 48 and starting my life all over again. It is so, so hard, but so WORTH IT! NO MORE SKIDS, NO MORE SKIDS, NO MORE SKIDS...
Hi Already Gone, i have no
Hi Already Gone,
i have no words wisdom to offer that have not been said yet, but i wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts these last couple of days. When i saw this quote on Facebook today, i felt you had to hear it. Here goes:
Become a possibilitarian! No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities -- always see them, for they're always there.
Have faith! Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.
Good luck! 42 is very young. You deserve happiness.
Thank you so much for that
Thank you so much for that wonderful quote. I will definitely keep reading it, especially on my darker days. More helpful than you know, and much appreciated.
I read this somewhere but it
I read this somewhere but it seems to apply:
There's a difference between giving up and knowing when you've had enough. If it doesn't make you happy anymore then it's time to let it go and focus on yourself.
OMG that is very sad! I
OMG that is very sad! I agree if there was one thing I would and have told my own kids it is NEVER MARRY A MAN WITH KIDS! BEING A STEP PARENT SUCKS! If I had known then, what I would go thru in 20 yrs. of marriage I would never married. But I will not allow them to hijack my family and our life...they'll just have to be miserable.
LOL. My mother actually said
LOL. My mother actually said that very thing to me (minus the part about being a step parent sucking.) IMHO, IT REALLY DOES, lol. Glad to hear that you are holding steady as 'Lady of the Manor.' Keep up the great work!
"Life is a mystery; unfold
"Life is a mystery; unfold it. Life is a journey; walk it. Life is a flower; smell it. Life is a gift; Open it. Life is precious; Don't waste it." Iyanla Vanzant
Keep your chin up , buy yourself a new dress, smile, go for a swim, smell a flower, smile at a stranger and LOVE LOVE LOVE ON YOURSELF!!!! Do not waste a second of your beautiful soul . LIVE LIFE!!!
I know how it feels and 10 months later I have never been more happy , loving and excited about life, people, work and my life! Have faith in yourself and your decision and judgement!
A book that I read that I think you might enjoy and will restore your faith : The Soulmate secret by Arielle Ford. It is an amazing book and I love it so so much!!!
AMEN! So glad that you've
So glad that you've come out on the other side with happiness, and I'm looking forward to doing the same. Thanks for the book suggestion, I will definitely look for it.
A friend of mine told me today, "Sometimes the brightest light comes from the darkest place." From her mouth to God's ears, right?
You are going on a journey
You are going on a journey and it is a beautiful journey. You will understand who are your true friends and the people in your life that love you unconditionally. My greatest gift is that I now know who are the genuine people in my life.
Be gently and love on yourself.Trust and have faith in your decision and never doubt that what is meant for you will not pass you by.
Stay in the light!You are wonderful , precious gift and you are loved!