Why does lip gloss and nail polish make a little girl a slut?
I bought my SD these sequined flip fops with a little heel on them the other day acually. They are very cute. SO loved them too.
She wears my lip gloss and smell good body spray, always uses my lotion and sometimes wears sparkels on her eyes. and guess what? Shes 5! Does that make her a slut? No, she's 5. She wants to be a big girl, and she wants to be like her mother and me. Does that make anything wrong that we indulge her? No.
Her two fav colors are purple and pink. Wanna know why? Because purple is her mothers, and pink is mine.
I ovbisouly have quite a big roll in her life?
So, is she going to turn out to be a stripper like BM?
NO WAY IN HELL! Why? Becuase I'm around and I will make sure, I am the one being positive in her life. I am the good example.
I don't understand the way some people think sometimes.
- Nemo's blog
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It sounds like a healthy
It sounds like a healthy little girl playing dress up and grown up.
Nothing wrong with that IMHO.
Best regards,
seems innocent to me. does
seems innocent to me. does she insist on wearing these things every single day? does she think nasty thoughts when she wears them? if not, then its innocent. as long as she respects herself, she's ok, and kudos to you for helping her with her girlness!
in the beginning, i used to have fun playing makeup and dress up with exsd. but i soon saw that she was soooo conceited, and overlysexual, and thought her shit didnt stink and she HAD to wear makeup daily or else she wouldnt leave the house. it was rediculous.
youre an awesome stepmom
Nope, it does not provided it
Nope, it does not provided it is "sometimes and for a few hours"...not to go out...hmmm...I see nothing wrong with it sometimes as play, but all the time I do see a problem. As a woman we are more than makeup and cute clothes..and if the focus is on looking good, then I don't believe that is healthy at 5 and i would not be happy if it was my daughter...sorry...
BM thought the same as you...she now had a 15 yr old preggo who believes looking good and getting men's atrention is more important than self-respect and a good career...I saw it years ago and was told I was being ridiculous...
Acually, BM is the one who
Acually, BM is the one who started it.
We just allow SD to do the same things. And no, she doesn't HAVE to go it all the time.
Sorry your mom beat you, but
Sorry your mom beat you, but you made me laugh!
My mom is a Natalie Wood fan
My mom is a Natalie Wood fan and we used to watch Gypsy all of the time. I knew all of the songs by heart. So I would go put on my swimsuit, grab a towel that would be my "feathered boa" and sing Let Me Entertain You in the living-room. My parents thought it was so cute they took out their 8mm camera and taped it.
They have since converted our family films to DVD, little Shaman29's dance lives on forever!
My daughter is funky. She
My daughter is funky. She has the black nails, pink streaks in her hair, wears clunky heels, etc. She's 10. She has her own style. She's been known to put on a dress, makeup, heels, and do her hair all up and then go play in the creek and catch frogs. It's who she is. And I love her for it.
A child can want to play dress up and look pretty without being vain and an attention whore. I'm far more concerned about SD who has no interest in wearing lip gloss or nail polish, but will try to kiss boys and tell them she loves them and can't wait to have babies, than I do my self-possessed, confident daughter.
So no, I don't think BD is a stripper in training. She won't even wear a bikini "because boys just stare at girls to see if they have boobies yet".
I'm confident in the way I'm raising her and if the worst thing she does in life is put pink streaks in her hair... whew!!! I'm a lucky mom!
I was a little tomboy who
I was a little tomboy who begged my mom for rainbow suspenders and treasured my Smokey The Bear costume. I refused to wear dresses, except for to church and then I had my brown cords and my favorite soft green t-shirt waiting to change back into after church. I spent all my time outside, in trees, playing and making forts. My little sister (two years younger) on the other hand was the ultimate girly girl. She had a giant collection of froofy, frilly dresses with matching patent leather mary jane's and spent hours changing clothes, trying on new outfits and playing dress up with my moms clothes. My mom didn't wear makeup and still doesn't so we didn't see anyone other than my aunt using makeup. We worshiped her and she used to give us silk scarves and lipsticks and let us play with all her stuff. I got more girly when I started ballet and in my later teen years was very girly. Now as an adult, I still love to climb trees and prefer comfy pants to dresses most of the time, but I know how to apply tasteful makeup and dress up and enjoy going out every once in a while (although i'd much rather go camping!). My little sister grew up to be incredibly gorgeous and is even more girly than before. She is incredibly glamorous and there is no way I could pull off most of the clothes she does. She is the only person I have ever known, or heard of, that looked stunning WHILE giving birth. In between pushes, she asked for her lipstick and reapplied it carefully and then went back to pushing! As a result, she looks like a fake model that couldn't have possibly just given birth in all her new baby pictures, whereas I know that I would look like a dying, sweaty manatee in the same situation. She is definitely more girly than I am, but is pretty down to earth too. Luckily, my mom encouraged and supported all of her daughters in their various interests and let us fully have our own unique personalities and flair. The result is that every single one of my sisters is beautiful and gorgeous in a different way. They are all loving, kind and hilarious women and each have a distinct look and sense of fashion and expression.
My SS12 wouldn't be caught dead near a facial mask and is way more into basketball, but I say hey, to each their own! Support your kids no matter what they're more interested in!
My mom emphasized inner beauty, but never criticized us for being "vain" or being into make up and clothes. I love being a tomboy and being a girly girl and I think most girls and women are a combination of both. As long as the clothes and behavior are age appropriate I don't think there's anything wrong with a little girl trying out make up and dress up clothes. My five year old SS and I did wild rose and honey facial masks together last weekend! I'm pretty sure I'm the only SM I know that would agree to giving a facial to a five year old boy, but he asked! We had a great time and lots of laughs and if he later decides to join the ballet and date a man, I will fully support him, although I'm pretty sure he is just a metrosexual-in-training.
This is one of the most
This is one of the most wonderful response posts I have read on ST. I strongly agree with your opinion and it's nice to read you had such a lovely upbringing. Kudos
I worry about my sd
I worry about my sd sometimes. She is 6 and her mom plucked her eyebrows so she could be "cute" there was nothing wrong with them before. I think bm sends her the wrong message sometimes. When her hair is straightened its "cuter" as she says than her curly hair but I love her curly hair. BUT she is kinda a tomboy too and loves cars and trucks more than barbie dolls.
I don't understand the way
I don't understand the way some people think sometimes
wow, i am really surprised at
wow, i am really surprised at a lot of the comments here. lip gloss and little heels and being girly equal becoming a stripper, low self esteem, etc?
i understand that i live in a part of the country where glamor and looks is extremely important but really? people cant actually believe that? and actually i can think of lots of girls that were not allowed to be super girly when they were little and didnt have these times and experiences with their mom...and guess what, they all grew up to be strippers!!! because once they could make their own decision they took it to the extreem.
as young as i can remember i always wanted big boobs, i just loved boobs, i thought that they were so feminine. i would stuff socks in my shirt and dance around my room, with my lip gloss and girly shoes, thank you very much. and Guess what? i NEVER WAS A STRIPPER!! big shocker huh? and i bet i make more money than most people on this site, am more successful, and have made a lot better life decisions along the way. just a shocker how people are so judgmental, and pretty much dense about life in general