Revenge suggestions...
My husbands ex is driving us crazy. She is brainwashing the children. I need some good innocent revenge tactics to pull. Anything that would keep me out of legal trouble though...
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Not a good idea... Take the
Not a good idea... Take the high road! It will pay off someday.
"I will not take responsibility, where I do not have authority." ~ MeanOleMe
I know everyone says take
I know everyone says take the high road, but I am not one of those people. So I think you should start paying the child support in bags of pennies or whenever you have to give her money. Or every time you have to see her whisper something to your husband like I love you or something just random, then look at her and start laughing.
You should take the high
You should take the high road but I definitely know how you feel.
Just be good to the kids.
Just be good to the kids. They will figure it out all on their own. That is the best revenge.
Revenge is a very strong
Revenge is a very strong word but I understand what you mean. You must pissed off at something right now.
Stress to your DH that his kids need to get into counseling right away and check out the book Divorce Poison. It gives pro-active (unlike passive) tips on how to deal with a difficult Ex/BM. Its very informative.
Good luck
Thanks, good idea.
Thanks, good idea.
report her to the IRS, lol
report her to the IRS, lol
Being a intelligent and
Being a intelligent and classy lady will kill her inside. If you get back at her she will feel the need to get one up on you and it will just go on from there. DOn't bother the ditch pig is not worth your precious time.
i know exactly how you feel
i know exactly how you feel but it aint easy to deal with,
the ex's think they rule the world, hope your hubby supports you cos mine bow's down amd kisses her feet for the easy life pisses me off beyond belief
she had her chance, just cos im 6 years younger than her dont mean im stupid..............i know whats going off........
I'm going to be a total
I'm going to be a total bitch right now but this:
{just cos im 6 years younger than her dont mean im stupid}
Does, in fact, make you sound stupid. I'm sorry.
every ex is threatened by a
every ex is threatened by a younger model............enough said...............thanks
Ummmm, no, but whatever you
Ummmm, no, but whatever you think.
Perhaps maybe if the younger model could spell, punctuate, or use proper grammar when slamming the ex?
these sites are so creative
these sites are so creative its great............
if the name fits...........
Sometimes the name fits just
Sometimes the name fits just fine.
It's obvious you are neither an EX nor a BM. Be very careful with generalizations around here because some of us just might take offense.
I have to say this. It's
I have to say this. It's not often that I agree with WSM (sorry wicked), but she's right. Such a generalization in and of itself is ignorant.
Look at it this way. Let's say Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie split. Brad hooks up with the star of "ugly Betty". Is Angelina threatened? Hardly.
LOL! No worries!
LOL! No worries!
My ex is dating (and having
My ex is dating (and having a child with) a beautiful woman, that I have known for about 12 years. She was a VERY good friend of mine at one point, and they wouldn't even know each other if it weren't for me... and I could not be more happy for him. She is a wonderful person inside and out, and I could not have asked for a better person to help my ex raise my girls when they are with him. Threatened... NO WAY. Happy for him, YOU BET!!!!!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
StepAside, you are so right,
StepAside, you are so right, I do NOT believe anyone would advocate that the ex-husband should reassure that he still cares about her well-being.
In my husband's case, SHE is the one who suddenly decided she did NOT want to be married to him anymore. SHE is the one who kicked him out of the apartment (even though it was HIS name on the lease!) SHE trashed both the vehicles they had...OMG it took us about 2 hours to get it SEMI-clean. SHE is the one who got a divorce paralegal and set up the child support to her specs, the parenting plan to her specs, the entire divorce to HER specs.
Why should he kiss HER ass when she's the one who screwed HIM? He reassures his SON he loves him and trusts him, but he trusts her about as far as he can throw her, which isn't far because of his bad back!
There is NO trust left in that relationship. She has tried every trick in the book to undermind his fathering. I wouldn't trust her with my EX husband that's how much I despise this woman.
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
the hope that the kids will
the hope that the kids will eventually work it out is not enough................
OK, let me say take the high
OK, let me say take the high road just once because that is really the best idea and anything that you do to passive agressively "get revenge" WILL, not could but WILL, backfire.
But you could, not saying you should, but you could go with dh and the kids and get a million family portraits made at walmart or something and put them up all over your house.
"Life favors the risk taker."
Be good to them and they
Be good to them and they will love you. Drives my BM crazy!!!!!!!
success is the best revenge
success is the best revenge
Revenge is a dish served
Revenge is a dish served Cold. Take the high road and by that i mean be happy all the time, be positive, completly ignore bm with all her bs tactics. Trust me, you being happy, making your husband happy and being successful in life in time will be the revenge for a bm who is miserable and wants to make your hubby look bad and miserable.
I 've had my hubby ex do everything under the son for the first 3 years i was with him, i began ignoring her tactics after a nice legal letter to her and her lawyer clearly stating to stop involving me in her disputes or i'll take other legal action against her regarding the well being of her children. After that i ignored her, we never spoke about her and still do not in front of her kids. No matter how much she has used these kids. Trust me, its been 10 years now and her kids realize what she is .
Needless to say, she dug her own ditch.
Take the high road, i knw you are angry but the only sweet is to be happy and it will burn her ass just seeing htat.
Angel72 made some very good
Angel72 made some very good points in her post......
I am living the same situation. BM hates my guts simply because I married my DH - even though it was 4-5 years after they split. She hates my DH because he did not marry her after catching her cheating and her not knowing who the baby belonged to....
So now she attacks us every chance she gets - has filed false charges agaisnt us, involved a trama counselor, took DH to court to try and take away joint custody and visitation - But lost her case.
So we always smile when we see her, speak, laugh, and make sure we generally look very happy around her - no matter how we feel about her. We make a lot of arts and craft here - so SD always makes her own, we do a lot with SD so she knows we love her to counter what her folks say, we involved sd in everything we do here in our state, We give BM christmas, birthday and mother's day gifts.......
We always make sure we take the high road and remain positive. Seems like it makes her even more mad and she acts out even more.... But i believe it is because is really trying to ruin our marriage and relationship with SD... and she sees it is not happeneing..... I think that is the best "revenge" if you could call it that.... But it helps SD know we are and will always remain positive and put SD first in our actions.
It will pay off when SD is older and more mature and can understand what is going on. I just hope BM just gets tired of her own actions or runs out of ideas of how she trys to hurt us - grows up and matures.... may never happen........
When we as the Steparents stoop to the level of trying to exact revenge then we are no better than the BM were are upset with or being attacked by. Remaining a classy mature positive person is much more appealing to others and the step kids....... AND after all the kids are the most important persons in that equation... so focus on them and your family.
********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************
I agree that one should
I agree that one should always try to take the high road BUT sometimes the BMs just do things that drive you so crazy that the high road goes out the window. That's why small little bits of revenge are okay. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone. I love doing things that are super fun with my skids. We have a great time and it drives BM nuts-double bonus.
I agree stay on top! do all
I agree stay on top! do all you can for your family and your SD. She will always know you were there and did what you could no matter how her BM feels about you. When she talks about you at her BM house it will of course make her words bitter sweet to BM. I have always believed in kindness and honesty. Be honest to her and BM and all parties but do it in the nicest way. Just kills them cause they want you to surrender and let them rule, to lie and deciet and drop to there level, but Step-Mom have feeling too. I love my SD and SS's with all my heart as if they were my own.
"Take it with a dose of laughter, it's easier to swallow the hatred and save from biting your tonque"