Bowing out - My final BLOG here.
I am OUTTA here!
Dawn - Thank you! Love the site, but hate the immature people that make this not a fun place. WIsh you much luck and success and I pray that the site continues to grow and that you somehow find a way to weed out those that just want to bash and are not here for help.
To the newbies that are SEEKING help and advice - there are some really good women on here that offer great advice.
To my old timers -- yea you know where to find me. I will be deleting my info and moving on elsewhere.
BUT an extra special something for the resident village idiot that the site has somehow acquired -- MeandMine - It is a shame that you have come to a place that SHOULD be a haven for people who are in difficult situations. You have not ONCE written that you have been having difficulty with a step situation so really WHY are you here? WHat is YOUR purpose in life? Nearly every post that you have responded to has been nothing but negativity. You have gotten into how many spats in less than 6 days?
For the record my responses on the original post were in DIRECT response to people speaking to me DIRECTLY with the exception of Hopeless after my inital blog. As far as hopeless goes I was just trying to get her to understand that it was a lost cause. Clearly as you continue to prove by trying to bait me. I am not going to argue with stupidity because it is obvious that you will win that one hands down as it appears that you've had a lot more practice and are probably a professional with it.
I think that it is just a shame that people like YOU and some others who are still here and whom have left that you guys try to run this site down and change it from what its purpose is. So, for that I will bow out as I already have an idiot in my life and there is no room for two. Even more important is that there is no room in my energy pack to play games as I've used that up trying to eliminate them with regards to the psycho BM and the influence that she has on the kids.
You claim to be stating an opinion that is different than others. That is perfectly fine. But you CONTINUE to try and go after other members for NO apparent reason than to appear that you are the resident crime fighter of SM injustices. So to all others whom I love and respect, let me first say my apologies and to you MEANDMINE...Grow the fuck up!!!
Toodles! Best of luck to all.
- The Principlist's blog
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P ;-)
You know as well as I do that we've seen this kind of nonsense come and go. Some people just like to do hit and runs, ya know? And sometimes we just have to call it like we see it
Princ...see ya on the flip side!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
And it's really too bad, it's a loss for ST, for the ones who really come on here to ask advice, or to validate their uncertainy in themselves.
For those who chose to enter this site just to bash another poster, I really hope you find somewhere else to spew your venom. Get a life. Whatever.
Princ, your voice will be missed here. But I know where to find you!
P I am VERY greatful for all your
advice, help and I myself will miss you and wish you wouldn't go but do understand.
THANKS to you for all you do... Good luck 
~Step Parents of a feather stick together!~
Princ, Cruella
Wow... I'm really sorry to see you go. I always felt that you were a good "weather" gauge. And I know that I PM'd you because I needed that barometer of when I seem to go too far, farther than I meant.
Both you and Cruella leaving and it just makes me sad. I hope that my drama and any drama I caused did not add to either of your decisions to leave. Because there are people that need you out here.
Anyway.... cheers girl. I'm sad, but I understand. I'm not quite ready to leave yet, but I completely understand the "why" of it.
I'm sorry to see you go
but I know where to find ya
I missed all the drama this weekend, but hopefully people will one day learn to not be such assholes for no reason.
MeandMine was a thorn in the side since the first moment. She jumped from SMJ, to Sita to anyone else that called her out. Not sure how I escaped her wrath, guess I'm not noticable enough, lol. Cause I definitely called her out a time or 5.
I think you should stay. But that's because I like you so. I know at times I consider just sort of fading away myself, but fellow "old timers" on the site, like you and Cru make me come back time and time again.
I hope you don't go forever or delete your acct. Just pop back in from time to time to tell us hi.
I won't be leaving for good, at least any time soon. But I will be less visible at times as my Youth Theatre projects are taking off, and between FB and ST I am given way too much easy distraction into procrastination.
So...I'll see you around the cyber world, and hopefully the real one soon. But please don't feel you need to bow out of here completely. You are in a situation right now that I think could benefit a lot of other SMs who seek us out. Your strength and character and no nonsense approach to things is a beacon for those who feel alone in the dark.
Not to pressure you or guilt you or anything...just sayin' you should take a break and then check back for all of our benefit!
Ok, did meandmine change
Ok, did meandmine change their name? Cause I tried to find their posts to see what the mess was about and all pages I found with meandmine I couldn't find a post with the same name...hmmm...
Ok, did meandmine change
Ok, did meandmine change their name? Cause I tried to find their posts to see what the mess was about and all pages I found with meandmine I couldn't find a post with the same name...hmmm...
I understand your reasons and I am with you on that negativity and bitchiness that goes on. I do not come on ST much anymore because of it but even though technically I'm not a stepmom anymore because FH and I broke up last week I still feel I can be some help when it comes to dealing with crazy bms or whacked out men! I was very very lucky and had a great stepkid - I'm actually gonna miss HER - she was a sweetheart. I know where to find you girl :).
P, I can't believe someone
P, I can't believe someone got to you enough to make you feel this way! Remember it comes in waves.
To every thing there is a season.
A break
Maybe taking a break from here would help? But I hate to see you go completely - you have a lot of wisdom to share!! and we will miss you
"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912
Sad :-(
But I understand. I've thought about leaving too - too much drama here. Thank you for some wonderful advice.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
I'm really lost here...
I don't know who you are talking about... nor what is going on...
But principlist: You are one of the people in this board that I have so much respect for, you are a wise woman that has gone through a long path, and I always learn a thing or two fron your blogs/answers. It would be a great loss for steptalk if you didn't come back. But if you DO choose not to comeback, Good luck in your life, and thanks for everything!
Ut Oh!!!
I have missed a few days of being on ST. I must have missed something. Geez it is too bad that your leaving.
Please if you can just ignore the person who is irritating you and stay. I have enjoyed reading your posts.
Don't let one idiot run you off.
I was gone too
and totally missed the drama. I'll catch up with you, you know where
One can only hope!
But, but....
honestly, The Principlist, you have loyal followers, you have the ear of many souls. Do you REALLY want to leave the place of found friends and shared experiences?? Can I count on you for tomorrows advice that although may seem trivial to you, means everything to me??
Kevin The Man