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nothing wrong with my lovely stepkids, but i`m still not happy...

KristinaZ's picture

Almost every single post I`m reading here says that theres something wrong with their stepkids, contributing to their "stepmom unhappiness" syndrome. What if my stepkids are just fine? I married my husband when they were 2 and 4 (now 10 and 12), they grew up with the schedule and everything we have now. They don`t even know what its like to live with one mom and dad without going from one house to another. What makes me feel so horrible about myself is that they do love me, as I`ve always tried to take care of them as of my own. I do have a nice relationship with them as well, but its not the same kind of strong and unconditional love type of relationship I have with our biological 5 year old girl we hve with my husband together. It`s a constant effort for me to greet them happily, hug them tight or kiss them the way their mom or dad would, when they come back from their mother`s house. When they come back I feel that the strangers are in my house.. Poor kids. I do respect them and never treated them the way they would`ve been not happy about, but I have no feelings of excitement or that motherly love for them at all... They are getting bigger now and understand more and i feel that they are starting to feel my deep and masked indifference to them. They are just being nice and quiet about it, never say anything bad..i think its difficult for them to understand why I act kind of remote and estranged .. We have a 45/65% custody, since we married I became satay at home stepmom so that we could maintain the custody arrangements. Since our house is out of their school district (30 min away from school and their mothers house) , it is me who drives them back and forth: school, friends play-dates, activities, mothers house... and takes care of them 100% when they are in our house. My husband is a super loving father, does his best to share the load of his parenting... but he works a lot to support us all.....I often find that its me who has this custody arrangements, not him.. I do really want to have another child of my own, and he, obviously, does not, as he "has had enough"... He is 7 years older than me and doesn`t want any kids anymore. Over the years, I started to feel that my stepkids substituted for my joy of having my own normal, not blended family, without BM being around, constant driving back and forth... Few days ago, I couldn`t hold it anymore and told my husband that I was mad at myself for winding up with someone else`s kids instead of having my own. He exploded in return, saying that I`m not grateful for everything he did for me, and that its so cruel of me and not fair towards his stepkids who love me... making me feel that I`m most horrible person and wife ever... I do love him a lot and so does he, but he just won`t ever understand me...I`m tired of supressing my feeling all the time, although theres nothing wrong with the stepkids... I wish I had this mortherly feeling towards them which seem to come so easy for your own kids... Anyway, now i feel even more guilty and I wish I never opened up to him... I`m afraid that our marriage won`t last long... help!

KristinaZ's picture

Thank you CheriWilson for your suggestions. It does make sense to keep that slight non-motherly distance to keep our roles the way they are.. I guess I just have to work on my own mental state of accepting that i won`t be able to have any more kids of my own. I love him and leaving him will make the things worse and everyone really miserable... Yes, therapist is something I`ve been considering for a while, just didn`t want to admit to myself that I actually needed some help. Sadly, it can`t be my own husband.
Thank you! I do feel so much better already Smile

Pilgrim Soul's picture

I am sorry you are experiencing so much unhappiness. The advice above, from Cheri and Sue, is excellent. I would not repeat the points they make, but would add one more: be careful what you wish for...

Case in point: I have 2 teenage bio-sons and my DH has 3 grown kids. That's 5 between the two of us. That is really too many, no matter whose kids they are!! I feel like saying to them ( all of them), These are tough times, and we decided we need to let some of you go. (Take the stress you create and just go... but they keep coming back!)

What i mean is that you are envisioning a picture-perfect family, with healthy, lovely, sweet children who all get along and make their parents happy. The odds of that are not exactly encouraging... Few things in the step-universe are perfect, and to me it sounds like what you have is good enough. What you give your skids is good enough. The love you have for your own child brings out the best in you, you are enjoying motherhood, and motherhood by proxy. Yes, driving back and forth is annoying, but given how nice the big picture looks it could be a tolerable price to pay.

I understand about having the BM around and wishing for a family all your own, i do. I actually REALLY do - i have been married twice, both times to older men who had kids from their first marriages, so i have never had that pristine FIRST FAMILY feeling... and you know what? That's fine. I have made peace with that. My history makes me a simple *complicated* woman. Your history does the same for you: instead of the innocence the first families enjoy in abundance, you have the complexity that you can wear like a badge of honor. It's what makes you interesting... what makes you so much more than your average Madonna with Child. You have looked into depths that no innocent has ever dreamed about... You could be a heroine of a French novel.

As an only child, i can tell you that growing up i had a very close relationship with my mother. Several of my girlfriends today are raising only children - all girls, and several other girlfriends who are raising 2 or 3, are jealous that the onlies get to travel with mom when she goes abroad, get to enjoy the exclusive bond that multiples have to fight for, get to sample pretty sophisticated things at an early age. There are distinct benefits to your situation, and your daughter will be the grateful recipient of special attention and perks, while at the same time getting to learn how to get along with step-siblings... 60% of the time.

Stop beating yourself up about not having motherly feelings for them. They have a mother!!! They are not orphans. You can be their aunt-like figure, who is fun and adds a lot to their life. They will add a lot to your life too, it sounds like you really have a nice relationship. It will grow and change as kids grow and change. They love you, not many women on this board can say that.

So try reframing, with the help of a therapist or with books.

Many SMs who post here will read your post and be jealous of your family situation.
You have something others crave and cannot seem to get:
a pretty happy step-family.

KristinaZ's picture

Thank you so much for your voice of reason! Yes, it all makes sense to me. I had to re-read your ladies posts to help me with reframing my mind