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How can she be expected to provide for her child on a meager $8000/month CS???

stormabruin's picture

She was the caretaker 4% of the time & was pulling $8000. Now that custody is 50/50, clearly she'll need $88,969/month to be able to furnish their son with a more acceptable standard of living. :?


3LittleDragonflies's picture

"Now I ain't saying she's a golddigger, but she ain't messing with no broke bloke..."

kathc's picture

Um, I'm sure that his father is capable of keeping him in a damn well heeled lifestyle. If he has to go "slumming it" at his mom's house part of the time oh well. She thinks the kid is being deprived?!? She's full of it. She knows damn well that none of those kids are going to be making fun of John Cryer's son FFS!!! The man is a mega-star. She is just another money grubbing GUBM.

Lalena75's picture

Damn I had babies with the wrong income bracket! I could not imagine the lifestyle I could give my kids on 8000$ a month and I like to work so add in my income. well I'd at least have the property we've always wanted and the kids would get to go on more camping trips. I wouldn't know what to do with all that $. Difference is my kids aren't "expected" to be spoiled rotten