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Taking Everything I Have ….

Lillywy00's picture

Not to cold Turkey quit  working for this employer 

I paper traded the company's stock a couple days after they "accidentally" cleared my schedule with no warning by shorting it and "making" $237 which was a tad bit under the amount of unemployment I would have received for the week (if I hadn't taken this job back) .... wish I would have made that play but whatever I'm sharpening my skills

The main thing grinding my gears is the 8hr/day; 40hr/week that's tying me up from doing what I really want to do ... run a business and day trade. Make so much money I don't have to work unless I want to  - which if I do work it's going to be 16hrs a week or less. 

It sounds far fetched but I can believe it. 

Anyways I plan to use as much fmla leave and voluntary time off as I can during the workday because when I try to wait till after work to work my business by this point I'm hungry (gotta do domestic duties), burned out from working for this employer during the day, and tired. 

Anyways I'm powering through and just keeping this position for now while I do other things that can provide better income with less time and stress.  


ESMOD's picture

I know it's tempting to want to cut off the employment.. but I'm sure you know that day trading is not a guaranty of income.. 

I would also be concerned about your ability to put in enough time to really run a business and day trade if you aren't able to manage just 8hr a day// 40 a week.

I regularly work 50-60 hours a week at my job and commuting takes an additional 4-5 hours.    Have you thought about dedicating a couple hours a day to starting your business up slowly.  You aren't being dragged down with stepkids.. so maybe with some planning and preparation.. you can manage to work a few more hours.. (meal prep on the weekend for example).

I also have the domestic stuff to attend to .. and we have a fairly extensive amount of stuff we have to keep up with.. I also am managing my father's finances for him on top of all the other stuff.

I get that your current employer is difficult.. but in a way.. you have to figure out how to manage that stress. .treat it as what it is.. an ends to a means.. you need the money.. it's not personal.. you won't "take it home with you".. they can be aholes.. you do your job well.. that's all you can do.. THEY can fire you if that's not good enough.. and let it go.. 

If it's really that terrible.. then perhaps look for another position.. part time. or flexible hours to bridge you over... but if you truly feel that you can win at playing the stock market.. start slowly and build up to a point where you can telll them to shove it.. 

But.. again.. self employment can have the worst boss of all.. yourself.. you would probably need to be working a lot more hours than you are now.. to make it successful.,, and I've seen statistics that like 99% of people who try to be daytraders fail.. I'm sure for a variety of reasons.. but obviously.. if it was easy enough to do.. everyone would be doing it.. or getting guraranteed returns from their investment managers.

Lillywy00's picture

Good points. 

I enjoy your voice of reason!

You have a going point about the time. If I remain living in my own space (preferably non/married or in my own home bc I don't want a man wasting my time / unfairly offloading domestic labor onto me) My bio is heading out of the nest here very soon so that may bring back a bit of my time   And just mentally push myself to manage what time I do have as effectively as possible. 

get that your current employer is difficult.. but in a way.. you have to figure out how to manage that stress. .treat it as what it is.. an ends to a means.. you need the money.. it's not personal.. you won't "take it home with you".. they can be aholes.. you do your job well.. that's all you can do.. THEY can fire you if that's not good enough.. and let it go.. 

I think this fuels a lot of my thoughts here. 

I realized I feel most anxiety after getting negative performance reviews (especially on jobs that aren't really my areas of passion/expertise like "walls closing in gotta leave this and find something else in a pinch") ... got one recently but my current manager is kind of firmly giving me heads up on messenger instead of more formal serious write ups at the current. This manager seems a bit better than the other one I had. 

Like you said ... I thought to myself im just going to do the best I can do, find some silver lining, and if they clear my schedule again I will not object. 

As far as trading and business I plan to do whatever is possible to minimize the risk. One rule I've given myself is never invest more than I can stomach losing. 

Rags's picture

I vote for you to keep letting them pay for you to continue your business development and career search somewhere else.  It is far easier to find a role or start a business when you have a job.  

Historically I am generally loyal to an employer. Until I learned that employers are not loyal unless it is to their advantage.  What an  employeer does, so can do the employee. IMHO.

I am as loyal as my opportunities and financial benefits from that employer will allow.  

Though I have let my own efforts drop off a number of times after starting with a next company, this time I am intending to apply to roles continually while in my current role. I intend for this company to be my last rodeo. It is very interesting, a huge opportunity, etc. However, I have commited to myself to never be caught flat footed again.  So, I will be here until the proverbial opportunity that I cannot refuse is made. If that does not come, I am all in on delivering for this employer.  

MorningMia's picture

Go for your dreams and look out for your own well-being. A friend gave me a great idea: Create a GANTT chart. And follow it. As you know, how you plan today creates tomorrows. Best of luck! 

Lillywy00's picture

That's a great idea. I actually created a passion chart and putting things into action from there 

May do a vision board with some pictures and really "see" it everyday. 

CLove's picture

I have been using pinterest, to visualise what I want my "new" life to look like, and help wth motivation during my weak spots.

Harry's picture

Is when you are working.  You have all the time in the world to find a company and job you like doing,  something that's fun and fulfilling.  If it's not this week then next week or the week after.