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Stealing, lying, and no remorse

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Autistic Ss13 is never the most honest person, it doesn't matter what the stereotype says (e.g. autistic people can't lie). He lies and cries then throws a fit when he's caught and he knows he's lying. I feel there is nothing more we can do to make SS a better human being.


House almost on fire

EveryoneLies's picture

Because SS put 15 minutes on the Microwave to warm up his chicken nuggets.

15 mins would be fine if he was using the regular oven, but not microwave ovens. We all know that but we just can't get this to his head. It obviously didn't help even though the instruction was clear on the chicken nuggets packaging.

My house is now full of smoke and none of us can escape.

I guess I should still be grateful because we are all home and was able to put the fire off (the nuggets were literally on fire). I can't imagine if he's home on his own.

So freaking stressful.


My SS can turn a saint into a demon within 3 sentences

EveryoneLies's picture

I truly don't know it's a teenager thing or autism thing at this point. DH and I both are exhausted from interactions with SS. 

If you talk nicely to him he would think you're in a play mode and nothing you said matters. If you yell at him you will get his attention and get stuff done but then he'll act like a victim. Neither DH nor I like to yell. I don't really yell but I sure am not the nicest person when talking to SS. 


Been a while. The “genius” SS got a D for math today

EveryoneLies's picture

Haven't been back for a while. Had enough over the summer so DH and I are on the same page that 2 hours a day checking someone's homework is just not good use of our time. We decided SS needs to be the one to care about his own grades, and we can help when he has questions, but HE will be the one to check his own homework.

Recap- SS is High functioning autistic. 

Has been much better than before so far now that we have time for ourselves not fighting with SS over his hw. 


Rant - Stuck with SS because of COVID-19

EveryoneLies's picture

Haven't post for a while. The past 3 weeks has been hard. Because the school has closed all the way till Summer possibly, we are stuck at home with the kids. I'll admit even just with my own it's hard, and it doesn't really matter how sweet DD9 is. But stuck home with SS12 (ASD+ADHD) is even harder. It's almost impossible for both DH and I to work from home because the challenges the kids presents.
