Endless Daily annoyance build-up
SS is finally back to school, after he reported he had a sore throat and was put on a Covid isolation (aka sent home to do nothing). He of course doesn't have covid. (tested) In fact he doesn't even know what a sore throat is supposed to feel like. He'd however always exaggerate for the sake of attention. It's really annoying I don't know how much longer I can tolerate. (if he gets a paper on the fingers he'd at like he lost a limb)
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Hate living with SS
SS14 just started high school today. Of course everyone has to wake up becuse now he's up. (he's loud) I am at the point where my patience is non existant, and I really hate living like this in my own home.
Everything needs to be spelled out because little sh*t enjoys finding loopholes. (But yeah, he has the balls to show the attitude being the offender)
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Why do we still try?
Recently I keep asking myself this question, why do I still try (to help SS)?
SS13 is on ASD spectrum and also has ADHD. I don't want to lie about it even if that makes me sound like a horrible person, but it is mostly unenjoyable when he's around (and he's always around-not his fault except the times he eavesdrops).
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No privacy in my own home
SS13 is always eavesdropping. It's annoying because when we call his name he rarely hears it, but when the conversation doesn't involve him he seems to hear every single word and always eager to chim in (but we don't need it!) even after we ask him to leave.
It doesn't matter how many times we told him to stop doing this because we really do not appreciate the behavior. He insists it's all "just conincident" (yea, right, like ten times a day).
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Stepson stealing clothes from ours.
Hello, I'm 29 and have been a stepmother since I was 20 to a boy and a girl. My stepson is 14 and over the last year or so has changed dramatically. It has not been an easy journey and over time I want to dicuss and share stories with others who understand. The issue I'm going to bring up today is CLOTHING.
My SS can turn a saint into a demon within 3 sentences
I truly don't know it's a teenager thing or autism thing at this point. DH and I both are exhausted from interactions with SS.
If you talk nicely to him he would think you're in a play mode and nothing you said matters. If you yell at him you will get his attention and get stuff done but then he'll act like a victim. Neither DH nor I like to yell. I don't really yell but I sure am not the nicest person when talking to SS.
BM’s bio at her work
Once in a while out of boredom and my curiosity I cyber-stalk BM just to see why we haven't heard from her. (Nothing hard-core necessary because she's not very techie)
On her bio at her work she had the audacity to say she lives with her TWO kids, SS (who lives with us 100% now) and her daughghter and her husband.
This is the mom who hasn't talked to or seen her own son for a year, but you go girl, right? *bad*
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Been a while. The “genius” SS got a D for math today
Haven't been back for a while. Had enough over the summer so DH and I are on the same page that 2 hours a day checking someone's homework is just not good use of our time. We decided SS needs to be the one to care about his own grades, and we can help when he has questions, but HE will be the one to check his own homework.
Recap- SS is High functioning autistic.
Has been much better than before so far now that we have time for ourselves not fighting with SS over his hw.
Arrogance or Ignorance?
I tried not to complain too much, and kept my mouth shut since summer break started and let DH deal with SS13 most of the time. I can't help today because my eyes are rolling so hard. I feel evil and wicked but again since I didn't make any snarly comments at home..I think I'm entitled to roll my eyes and complain a bit here.
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On to celebrate SS’ Bday (eye roll)
I know it's petty, I'm just not a big fan of putting together a party for SS13, even if it's only virtual. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of celebrating birthdays at all, my own included. To me "being born" is not really an achievement of the baby but the mom's (but no, I'm not celebrating for BM in this case)...that's off topic anyway. I do it for others but I skip my own when I can. (DH is big on celebrating these thing so I don't always get to do that on my own..Not a complain, it's sure a sweet gesture from DH)
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