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How many shopping days till Christmas......?

brutallyhonest's picture

Crayon's blog on Gratuitious visits in preparation for a birthday got me thinking. SD15 hasn't seen or spoken to BF in six months-- since he found out she flunked the ENTIRE (including PE) 9th grade. (No- we don't get copies of grades, BM won't give us password to on-line grades, BM won't let BF go to PT conferences so it was a bit of a shock to learn at the end of the school year that she has flunked not just a few classes, but many over the course of the entire school year. Probably several grades for all we know.)

Long story short, we wanted to enact some serious changes and give her some serious consequences for her behavior at school. Of course by trying to be the responsible side of the family, it all ended up blowing up in our faces and now we are mean, awful, uncaring and BM is now doing even more to enable SD15's behavior that resulted in such wonderful grades in the first place.

Of course, my life and stress level have been much more manageable the last 6 months since they haven't been speaking to us and EOW visits have ceased. (I found this site about 6 months ago during the height of the drama- so glad its here.)

Back to Crayon's blog. I started to wonder with Christmas just around the corner, if SD was going to all the sudden decided she wanted to see her dad just in time to drop hints about Christmas. She has a lot of damage to un do (didn't call on father's day ect...) Well I get home last night to news that SD has emailed and "might" want to do something with her dad on Sunday.

I would like to think she really does want to see her dad, but after 5 years of manipulation by SD and her BM, I'm pretty sure it is about gifts. Teenage girls are the best manipulators I've ever seen. Anyone else starting getting gratuitous visitation in the build up to Christmas?


Elizabeth's picture

After DH only seeing SD15 four times since June, she showed up three weekends ago and again last weekend. And we know she has at least one more visit planned before Christmas because daddy bought tickets to an event she plans to attend. I "guarantee" she's not coming down just to be with her daddy because she told him she would "rather kill myself than come see you." She's coming down to get on his good side before Christmas. But no way I could say that to him, he'd have a coronary.

Tara12's picture

We haven't heard from BM for over 2 months (except of course after she crashed our dinner party where I was meeting my FIL's for the first time and FH told her off finally) and now SD151/2 for almost a month and I hate to say it ladies but my life has been less stressful and more peaceful then it has ever been. We all love our kids and some of our skids are great but you can only put up with so much drama ya know. Anyways we just talked about this last night and I agree teenage girls especially know how to work the daddy system. I'm sure the closer it gets to xmas we will here from SD and she will be sweet as pie and of course she probably just wants to mention all those things she needs for xmas. Fortunately my FH has always been pretty firm with SD and she is not a spoiled brat yet - let's hope that he doesn't cave.