Final Divorce Papers Complete and Mailed....
Thanks all - I have been on this site for about a year and a half. Earlier this year, I posted that I had filed divorce papers and was granted a no contest ruling. I misfiled one paper that put things on hold. In the meantime, DH talked me into working things out. After posting the past couple days and confronting DH about not contributing to the household, plus his brat's horrible behavior (second visit to MY home after apologizing for calling me the "c" word and getting a second chance), I told DH that we are THROUGH. I filed that last divorce paper.
I have a great job, a house, and don't have any real financial issues so the money thing wasn't really at the forefront of my mind. However, once I confronted DH about spending the money he had coming on a laptop and Xbox for his son and BM's nephew for Xmas, instead of contributing to bills (did I mention he has contributed a total of about $2,000 in two years?), he gave me some song and dance about how he is trying his best. BS - if you were, you would have offered the money to me to cover bills. He is using me. At this point, even if he weren't, the thought of dealing with his ex wife and brats for the rest of my life makes me ill.
Bottom line - I am an IDIOT no longer. Thank you.
CONGRATULATIONS! So sorry to hear things didn't work out but happy you had the courage to get out and stand up for yourself. Good for you!
I too am sorry things didn't
I too am sorry things didn't work out, but this guy doesn't deserve you- you're too good for him! Best of luck!
So many of these men blow a
So many of these men blow a great opportunity for an upgrade to life by being unable to control their spawn.
Yep - of course DH is doing
Yep - of course DH is doing the whole sobbing thing - I am past that. I think he is sobbing that his lifestyle will now drastically change. DH and I have gone to Ireland, Western Caribbean cruise (in a suite), and Cancun since we were married - all on my dime. I don't regret it since it was nice to take an adult vacation that I would have taken anyway, but still, it was the first time he had really gone anywhere. If he could have stood up for himself, cut off BM, and demanded some form of respect from his kids over the past two years, we probably could have made it.
Never again.
I am sorry to hear that your
I am sorry to hear that your situation was so bad, but I am POSITIVE you will be much better off without that useless manchild! I am in a similar situation to what you described. I make a lot more money than DH and he has been using me for years. The thought of putting up with skid, BM, and the in laws (not to mention supporting a lazy manchild and his spawn) for the rest of my life makes me physically ill. I printed out divorce papers but have not filed yet. DH is threatening me saying he will get alimony. But that's another story. Anyway, best of luck to you! I know you will be much better without him!