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Not to brag but ...

sammmx's picture

Having the Skids 2 days a week is such a nice change from having them full time. I feel like the stress in my life has decreased almost in half. When they're not here I don't think about them, we don't talk about them, and same with BM. (It's not the kids that bother me, it's just that seeing them or hearing about them just makes me think of BM who I absolutely detest.) Out of sight out of mind.

That being said, the Skids are coming tonight and that means of course having to see/deal with BM. But I am kind of laughing on the inside, as sitting at the curb outside our house is a box with FREE written on it. In it? All her clothes we found, a bed set she bought BF, and some other things of SS3's from when he was an infant (playpen, onesies etc). I can only hope she sees it. I'm terrible lol but of she wants them she can most certainly take them!


mrs.g's picture

HA!! love that!

The time i dont have my SS5 here with us, i just worry about when he will be here. how do you block it out?! If i had to see BM twice a week, id off myself :s

xtina's picture

What happened that made you only have them 2 days a week instead of full time??? I am BEYOND jealous of you! I would rather my SO pay child support than have his son 50% of the time.