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my hubby's neice

acep74's picture

well, i was so angry and hurt last night, my hubby's neice got in contact with sd to talk sense instead she told her all this bull..... and the neice emailed me going off that my 4kids are well looked after and the 2 sd's have been ignored... ahhh. for the past 18months while the sd lived with us i ignored my 4 kids trying to give her love and support. How dare she?
and then got onto to topice of the other sd not having relationship with hubby for 7 years well, that was the bm's fault not ours... or mine... i'm like the wicked step mum from snow white or what not , i'm sooo over this.
I think it's time i told hubby for hime to write to the younger sd and tell her his version why he walked away , because it was to hard to kkep fighting the bm , and all the bull.... ! It's such a long complicated story and yes my god hubby and i did try, but woth the then boyfriend claiming to be the father , and the bm being a bitch how could hubby compete...
the joys hey... nothing seems easy .


Most Evil's picture

If she is say, 16 or more, I think him writing his version and e-mailing it to SD so she is sure to get it is a good idea.

I would think long and hard about what he says because it will doubtless be read very critically. I would also 'bcc:' you or someone else so that you have proof of what was sent and not something that can be altered to suit whoever would want to use it against him legally.

If she is younger it may be better handled in person or a phone call, unless you can't contact her. You can of course tell the truth at any age but it is best I think to not overwhelm a child who is not asking questions, and keep it age appropriate for a young child.

Hope that helps? We did this and after an initial period of everything hitting the fan, it helped BM know we will not be slandered without defending ourselves any more and also put DH's side out to SD without being interrupted or intercepted by BM.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin