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Constant reminders! And everything getting on my nerves!

Can I do this's picture

I swear I have to remind SDs & SO every 5 minutes that if something is spilled, wipe it up .... if you get something out, put it back .... And what's really getting on my nerves and wearing me thin is that every single day I come home, SD13 has gotten makeup all over the bathroom hand towels. I have said something about this every time to SO. I guess she isn't washing her hands well and then drying them on the towels. Well, I'm not washing towels every day and we don't even own enough hand towels to put out new ones every other day! It's getting ridiculous. I told him if she can't put on her makeup correctly (as it was all over the sink several times as well) then maybe she doesn't need to be wearing it and it's not to be in our home when she's here. He said he talked to her about it... well obviously it didn't sink in because yesterday when I got home, there was toothpaste and makeup all over my Halloween hand towels! I'm tempted to not put out any hand towels any more and just hide one for my use somewhere!

And when they are going to practice their instruments (even though it's a rarity and they wonder why they aren't 1st chair in band!) shut the flipping door! I was never a band person - I played sports all year long and summers when I was younger, but I understand how it works and I do appreciate music since I grew up playing the piano. I understand you have to practice consistently. I guess the band director told SD13's older half brother that she isn't very good (in so many words). SO was pretty upset about it - granted, the teacher should not have talked to the sibling, but contacted the parents if he is having concerns about her progress. But, when SO was telling me about this, I wanted to point out that she almost never practiced over the past year and neither has SD12. No practice = no progress!

Is it Monday yet?! How often do we want Monday to get here, huh? I want every other Monday because then I know they will be gone for another week! Fortunately, I have lots to do with getting some more of my fall/winter clothes out of bins and switched out in my closet, a few errands to run when SO gets home from class and lots of papers to grade this weekend! Hopefully it's enough to keep me busy and my mind off all the stuff that's been getting on my nerves .... SDs weren't here for almost 3 weeks because SO had surgery ... so it makes sense that now that they are back I'm getting antsy!!!


Can I do this's picture

And the whistling 24/7 by both SDs! Seriously?! When someone is watching tv, don't make constant noise! Common courtesy here, kids! But then again, "mama" lets them do whatever they want!!!!!!

Annanymous's picture

Ugh, mine is 13 too, and while she is great and helps out with chores and whatnot, she cannot seem to wash her face (even when taking a shower, she does not wash her face) and cannot seem to comprehend how to NOT leave hangers and dirty underwear on the bathroom floor. I have hollared at her about every day for years about those things and still, I have to turn her around and direct her to wash her face after she gets out of the shower. How do you take a shower and get all clean feeling and leave your face all greasy and gross feeling? First thing I want to do when I get in the shower is rub the wash cloth on my face and scrub, I couldnt imagine being comfortable with greasy face getting wet and being still greasy GROSS.

When watching TV I would pause it every single time and stare at your SO with daggers and tell him the are to leave the room and STFU. It works here with mine is asking questions loudly and randomly in the middle of a show I am watching. I pause it, stare at her, and say so what is this important question you have?? Asking me for stuff during the one hour I get to watch my show is an automatic NO, too.