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Help!! I need some advise on what to do, to not feel like third wheel at SD wedding this wkend w/ DH and the ex and her family

Justlovely's picture

SD getting married this wkend, DH says to me that BM sister & brother is flying in and that he hasn't seen them in years & can't wait to see them. DH really not realizing what he just sd and I sd to him oh really! he sd I bet it's been 15 yrs. DH never acts himself when we are ever around BM it's like he doesn't want to show me effecting as to it may bother her. ( BTW she is remarried ) Well I can already see what's fixing to happen. One big happy old family reunion. Don't get me wrong I am glad they are coming for SD. I need help and advise on when DH does not introduced me and pretty much will forget I am even around when we get to the reception. Advises please !!!

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Well, first off I would wear something really classy, new shoes and go get my hair and nails done if possible.

If your DH ignores you I would not say much just kind of stay in the background and try to find a nice gentleman and dance a few dances all in good taste.

See if you can find someone to strike up a conversation with and try to have a good time.

Not much help I know but try not to let it show it is bothering you!

Smomof3's picture

My SS22 is getting married in 3 weeks and we have a similar issue. BM hates me and ignores me when I speak to her. DH grew up going to church with her and her brothers and still associates with her brothers and loves her parents. She's been remarried for years but still questions my MIL about my relationship with DH. I'm going, I'm going to have a good time.

Justlovely's picture

Only to the wedding they are unable to stay for reception. It is very hard to not let things like this bother me but it does. It kills me inside when I see him trying to look at her when he "thinks" I'm not watching him and she absolutely eats it up. I do have new dress slightly above the knee w/ heels nails & hair will be all done. I keep telling myself to ignore it and he knows how I feel whenever we are ever around BM, he really believes that he does not do it. I thought about getting a video camera and just set it up and then go back & play it and then show it to him.

wellisntthisfun's picture

Go and enjoy yourself, find some people to strike up a conversation with, get out there and dance up a storm, move around the reception and mingle. Heck when my SD33 got married 10 years ago the following evening we went back to the country club that the reception was held at. The same bartenders were there and they all thought that I was the mother of the bride, they were shocked when I corrected them. So One UP for me Smile