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Update on my crazy ass mother...

IAmALady77's picture

So SO and I went to the courthouse and I filed a personal protection order against my mother. I was second guessing myself thinking that maybe she would disappear again and I wouldn't have to take such drastic measures but then I found out that she was just arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.

So I filled everything out, made TRIPLE sure that ALL my information (adress, number) was confidential so she couldn't access it and it was signed by the judge at 8:45AM yesterday morning Ex Parte.

I was considering hiring a process server because even though they don't guarantee delivery, they do try really hard to get it done but SO told me his Uncle would do it for me.

His Uncle is a former football coach, over 6 feet tall, BIG guy (he's also a complete teddy bear, the nicest person in the world, but SHE doesn't know that). I told SO's Uncle to take someone with him as a witness just in case she attacked him.

Uncle: (knocks on her door)
Mom: (opens the door 3 inches) What the FUC* do you want?
Uncle: I have a letter for (her name)
Mom: Who the FUC* are you?
Uncle: I have a letter for (her name)
Mom: Yeah I'm sure you fuc**** do!
Mom: takes the PPO
Uncle: leaves

So it's done...I hope. She has 14 days to appeal it and I am PRAYING that she doesn't because I do NOT want to have to face my own mother in court and explain in front of everyone WHY I am a paranoid nervous wreck.

FMIL came over with a bottle of wine last night and told me I needed to get locks for the 2 back doors (we live in BFE) and I needed to go to the neighbors and let them know that if anyone comes looking for me NOT to tell them where I am. And I have to go to the ma and pop resteraunt across the street and tell them the same since everyone there KNOWS us and all my mom would have to do is walk in there and be like "so you know that cute bartender down at (the bar where SO works down the street from our house)? Whats his name again?"

I am so scared that she is going to find me. I did the one thing that she would never expect me to do and it may have completely put her over the edge. She expected to waltz back into my life and for me to accept her with open arms like I always have and instead I stood up for myself and she is not going to be happy.

So that's that.


IAmALady77's picture

Thanks guys :/ and it does hurt SAF but I have to keep reminding myself that she is sick and needs help and I can't help her anymore nor is it my job. I can not deal with unpredictability and that's what she is, unpredictable. It's scary but I'm not going to let myself relapse into the panic again. I've got an escape route and I've warned everyone in the area. SO is installing new locks tonight.

unsure99's picture

I was just reading back through your blogs to get the first story on your mother. I can understand you being scared. I grew up being afraid of my father. He was not really as mean but he was sick and he always wanted to kill me so we could die together. It was horrible living in the same house with him. I went to sleep every night staring at my bedroom door just knew he was going to do it one day!! He was an alcoholic and heard voices. I want you know i'm so proud of you for standing up to your mother. It took me many years to really tell my dad what I thought and i even walked away when he was on his death bed. I have went to years of therapy over it. It took me a long time to realize that HE is the one with the problem not me. It sounds like you realize that and that is great. That is the first step to getting help and getting away from toxic people in our lives. I know with it being your mother how much it hurts but it takes more than giving birth to someone to be a good parent as we all know too well here on ST!! People like her and my dad will use you and treat you like dirt as long as we let them. I'm so happy to see you taking a stand. Hang in there!!

IAmALady77's picture

Thank you dtzy! ((hugs)). I'm moving past this and going back to being stressed about BM (awesome life right?) ugh. yes, I'm good. I've got a session with my therapist in a week so thats good Biggrin