If your spouse hated your bio child, would you leave?
After reading all these posts and feeling the same about strongly disliking my SS....if it was all reversed and your spouse hated your bio kid, would you leave without question?
I have told my DH how much I dislike his son and have told him that I don't think I will ever like him. My DH has witnessed me shut his child out for years and seen the love I show my bio son...but he just deals with it. He says that he won't leave me just because my feelings for his son! What?!? I don't get that...if my DH felt this way towards my son, my bags are packed and I am out the door in 2 seconds flat...
I then feel it becomes my job to just leave my DH because of my feelings for his son. I mean my SS is going to grow up hating his dad because his dad decided to stay with a women who hated him...I don't want to be responsible for any emotional problems I am causing a child (which I am sure I am)...
Anyone feel the same in regards to this? Wouldn't you leave if your spouse hated your child?
Ok, your right, Hate is a
Ok, your right, Hate is a strong word and one I withdrawl. Lets change it to "can't stand". Even if my DH didn't LIKE my son, I would leave. NO question about it. My son and I are a package deal. You don't like him...I'm out. No, I don't believe it is hypocritical. I think that I have been honest with my DH in regards with my feelings, probably to honest and I find it bizarre that he is ok with it. If I was not honest about my feelings with him, then yes, maybe that would be hypocritical.
I guess this post was more geared to the women/men who can't stand their Skids. I was just wondering if the role was reversed, if they would stay with their spouse/partner.
The choice to divorce could
The choice to divorce could come so easily? Families don't always get along. Sometimes we disagree, have fights, can't stand/hate each other but you work on making it right again. I'd talk to him & find out exactly what the issue was. Work it out. If he is in it for the long haul & wants to work it out & make things better than you're halfway there already.
^^^EXACTLY!!!^^^ You and I
You and I are in the exact same situation and I completely agree with everything you just said!!! I too strongly dislike and cant stand my SS10. I was completely honest with my BF about my feelings towards his kid and he respects and accepts my feelings. He STILL loves me, wants to be with me, and puts US first, even above his child! We both believe that our relationship comes first. Children grow up and move on with their lives and all that is left are the two people that entered into that relationship together. I am so thankful that I have a BF that respects how I feel about his kid. I am not mean to his kid I just dont want to be around him or associate with him whatsoever when my BF has him EOWE and every Wedn for 2 hours. I do my thing with my S8, who I have full time as his father is not involved, and it works for us. My BF doesnt ask, demand, or expect ANYTHING of/from me regarding his son. He knows that HIS KID is HIS problem and responsibility and I feel the exact same way about my son. My BF and my son get along well, my BF says/shows he loves my son and he has pretty much stepped in as a father figure for him by his own choice!
I admit I absolutely hate being with someone that has a kid but I love my BF and we are great to and for eachother!!! My BF knows how much I hate that he has a BM and kid in the pic but we deal with it together. It does cause some stress and bs but we are not going to let it ruin us!
We are together for US...we dont get with and marry men JUST BECAUSE they are the epitomy of perfection towards our kids. We get with them because of how WE feel about them! My son gets on my BF's nerves alot of times too but he deals with it and still cares about my kid and I am grateful for that. But as others have mentioned as long as their is a respect factor and my son isnt being abused etc I dont expect my BF to be head over heels in love with my son. I cant stand his kid so I know that loving someones kid isnt as easy as its cracked up to be....
Everything you said!!!
Everything you said!!! YES!!! When I finally broke down and told my dh that I couldn't stand ss #2, never could, never would - and I was done pretending I did - nothing changed. He didn't like it but it was "business as usual."
Exactly! Who will be holding
Exactly! Who will be holding their hand and helping them take a piss, at 80 years old? Kids today put their parents away. IF you neglect your spouse, that is a big mistake? *facepalm*
If my DH didn't like my kids
If my DH didn't like my kids (or couldn't stand, or hated, or...) and allowed those feelings to come through his actions...
You can bet your sweet bippy I'd show him to the door. I can focus on "me" and a relationship when my responsibility to my kids is over with... but I will not sacrifice their childhood because DH wants to be an ass.
Matter of fact, I'm on day two of not speaking to DH because he opened his mouth to my daughter when he shouldn't have. Reminded him what he would do when I tried to do that to HIS daughter. He wasn't having it. Neither am I. He can either unbunch his panties and knock it off, or move out. I love him dearly, but I will not sacrifice my kids for him.
When DH and I first got
When DH and I first got together (12 years ago) my boys were 14, 11 and 2. They lived with me full time. He didn't have any issues with the 2 older boys but my youngest, bless his heart, was a terror. Even I had a tough time swallowing the kid and he was MINE. As my BS grew so did his bad behavior. He's ADHD with a hint of ODD splashed in there so as you can imagine the kid was outta control. Thing is, my DH was not very nice to him and my BS started sensing it and began verbalizing how much he hated DH. One time in particular, I flipped out. I remember telling my DH that NO MAN ON EARTH would EVER be more important than my boy and that if he couldn't treat my child with kindness and caring then he and I could not be together.
It might have been the turning point because that was about 6 years ago and ever since than my DH and my BS14 are closer than ever. My BS refers to him as his dad when he is speaking to his friends. He does however, call him by his first name. My sons behavior has done a complete 180. He is a much kinder young man, he is way more disciplined, he hasn't completely grown out of his diagnosis but he has changed dramatically.
I can admit that I spoiled him a lot and that might be why his behavior was so awful but as soon as I got a grip on what I was doing that was making his behavior so bad, we were able to turn a new leaf.
I care about my Skids. I treat them well. Do I love them as if they were my own? No, but I do treat them with kindness & affection. And because I do, they treat me with the same.
Thank you. This gives me
Thank you. This gives me hope. My relationship with my skids is rocky right now to say the least. SD13 is bipolar and lashes out on my BD11. The last time it happened I totally lost my temper. I had just reached my limit with her disrespect of the family. It's been a hard summer. So.... Long story short I'm pretty much in that boat. I don't like her. I used to call myself a very patient accepting person until I met her. I'm not sure what the road may hold for us as a family but I'm hoping her mental health will improve & we can have an amicable relationship someday. My DH knows how I feel & accepts it. He knows how difficult she is & has had to work on improving his patience threshold over the years so I'm pretty sure he understands. Thankfully we'll have at least a few weeks break due to summer vacations & our kids visiting family & friends.
If my spouse/SO said he
If my spouse/SO said he hated/couldn't stand my child, I'd have to ask WHY he felt that way.
I mean, MOST people like kids. It's the rude, disrespectful kids that we can't stand. I dated a man for two years that refused to parent his 7 year old son. I didn't hate his son, I didn't want anything bad to happen to the kid, but at the same I couldn't tolerate his son's behavior and could not like his son because of his behavior.
If my spouse/SO said he couldn't stand my daughter, I'd sit down with him and find out WHY he felt that way. People don't just hate for no reason. And then if he had legitimate reasons for feeling that way - i.e. she's always interrupting or throwing temper tantrums, I wouldn't leave him, I'd correct those behaviors in my child.
Think about it - if a teacher told me my kid was misbehaving and she was right, I'd correct my kid, not take my kid out of the classroom. The reason my last relationship failed was not because I couldn't stand the child, it was because the father refused to correct his son's bad behavior.
I would do the same as you
I would do the same as you said Amber. Before jumping to conclusions and resorting to immediately dumping my BF I would just want to sit down and calmly discuss WHY my BF didnt like my son. If he had valid reasons then I would understand because I feel that I have valid reasons for not liking his son too. I would come to a compromise and try to work on my sons behavior and do whatever I need to do as his mother to get him on the right track and hopefully eventually that would change my BF's feelings towards/about my son. But I am not with my BF because of his relationship with my son or what he does for my son etc. I am with my BF for ME. If he was a complete asshole and/or abusive to my son then that is a whole different story!
In my case I cant stand his kid so I just stay away from him and have nothing to do with him. Period. And thankfully my wonderful BF accepts and respects that and STILL wants to be with me and love me.
I have never outright told DH
I have never outright told DH I cannot stand ss15, but he knows it. So does ss15, he knows I cannot stand him and he is disrespectful as hell. I am at the point now where I am not sure what to do - stay and know ss moves out in 3 1/2 years - stay and boot ss15 back to bm - leave and know that I will lose a very wonderful man over a little giant shit - leave and HOPE dh will come back to me once ss15 is grown. Whatever happens I don't think I would move out if dh didn't like my boys. Actually I know dh doesn't love my boys but he likes them and wants the best for them. If he outright disliked them, as long as there is a respect for their space in this home I'd be ok with that. I guess that's where I am with ss15, I know he needs a home and food in his belly, nothing more or nothing less from me is sufficient to get this kid graduated and out the door. Maybe that's just good enough. Actually my DH has said that in not so many words - just get him raised and out the door. At times b/c ss15 is so much like bm I think dh actually feels the same about him, get the kid graduated and out the door.
Ahh then bliss with a man I love dearly! (hopefully lol)
I agree...I soo cant wait for
I agree...I soo cant wait for that moment (he is only 11 :() ...my BF only has skid EOWE BUT I still cant wait til the CS STOPS and he is on with his life...hopefully far far away never to be seen or heard from again because BF and I already discussed that there is NO WAY that skid is living with us once he is old enough to be on his own!!!
Agreed. Hell no!! We have 5
Agreed. Hell no!! We have 5 years til SD13 is out the door. Buh-bye darlin'!! Then it's just US
Depending upon how he was
Depending upon how he was acting toward my child(ren), I would probably leave.
I think I can truthfully say that I still treat SD in a way that she doesn't know I don't like her. She just thinks I'm really busy so I'm not always at home
My disengagment is a combination of making myself scarce, or when I am home it means letting go about what she eats, wears, does, says, and doesn't wash on herself. I'll still fix her something to eat sometimes or listen to her. I plaster a big ol' smile on my face and bust out my best Customer Service 101 accomodating voice when I talk to her.
So if my DH continued to act pleasant and not argue with me about the kids...it might still work. I don't know. It would depend on what he didn't like about them, I guess. I can see many of my kids' shortcomings. I certainly don't expect FDH to be thrilled about them.
It has kind of come out to him that I don't care for SD. He now sees what it is about her I don't like, so he is actually pretty understanding. In fact, most of the time he complains about her more than I do. But every now and then he'll throw it up in my face, so it must bother him to an extent. Then, if I feel like bothering, I might point out how his 'parenting style' (lack thereof) isn't helping matters, he remembers it, and I'm back off the hook.
hmm im 22 and my fiance is
hmm im 22 and my fiance is 39! he has 2 kids girl 7 and boy 8- we together have 2 daughters 1 and 2
i HATE his kids yes strong word but i do, im honest about it to him and told him it will never change until he sorts there behaviour out. and he threatens to leave me all the time if i dont make a effort with his kids, i made a effort for 3 years until my daughters came along so now i have my own family to worry about. not his, not to mention their mother is 50!!!! gross shes a spastic moo and says jump and he jumps tries to make him feel guilty because they dont have a family. inturn making him agress toward me. grr so OVER it!!!
thank f for steptalk.org im not crazy! and im not alone!
Exactly!!! I completely
Exactly!!! I completely understand how you feel and now that you have your own kids to worry about it definitely makes it harder to even want to deal with and like/love kids that arent yours.
I gave my BF's S10 a chance. I would be around him and BF with my S8 and it was always his kid whining, being bratty, complaining about my kid, etc etc and I fucking finally had it a few months ago and now my BF knows how I feel about his kid and he accepts and respects it. He knows that HIS KID IS HIS PROBLEM AND RESPONSIBILITY and not mine. I dont want ANYTHING to do with his kid. EVER! When he has him I dont even want to be around at all. I do my thing with my son and he does his thing. Yes, we miss eachother and want to be with eachother but if what we have is going to work I need to be away from the source of my stress and bad feelings...SKID!!!
i totally get not wanting to
i totally get not wanting to be around them- because they go running back to mummy and say oh there fighting all the time which makes there mummy dig her claws a little deeper into your skin. my fiance takes his kids every second weekend he has them to his parents house because i cant stand them and i will tell them that there behaviour is out of line and my partner wants to kiss there ass because he "left" them.
So he now takes them away thank heavens for that! which means WE only see him every second weekend or after work when hes tired.
its not fair and why should my precious babies get punished because he made the choice to have kids to someone else.
does that sound nuts? am i over reacting? im human i just cant help the way i feel. simple!
I totally understand and
I totally understand and agree with you!! It sucks that because our men made a shitty choice to get with these loser women we have to suffer by having them and their spawns in our lives too!!! I HATE that I have to share my man with his rotten brat EOWE. Although if my mans son or bm cancel or blow off my BF on a weekend we are supposed to have him my BF doesnt care anymore, he is tired of bm and skid drama just as much as I am!!! He puts US and ME first!!! He knows how I feel about his kid and he accepts and respects my feelings completely. He doesnt care, he wants to be with me and love me no matter what or how I feel about his kid.
I hate that if I marry him someday that kid/bm will know where we live and kid will have to come to our house and be in my space and I will have to see his face and hear his voice etc. I already told my man that when he has his kid he can go over to his parents place and stay there because I dont want to be around him at all and he is ok with that. He knows that he has to see his kid and spend time with him and I know that too but I still dont want him around ME!!! So my BF will do what he can to make everyone happy and keep skid the fuck away from me!!!
That does NOT sound nuts...and you are NOT overreacting!!! I feel the EXACT SAME WAY...and it wont change!!! You cannot help how you feel and you also cant make yourself like/love someone, skids included...so just accept your feelings and deal with them whatever way works best for YOU and enjoy your time with your man when he is kidless!!! I know I sure as heck do
that makes me feel alot
that makes me feel alot better knowing im not some evil person like the world would make me out to be,
your very lucky that your partner takes the time to see sence and to understand your perspective. that would take a massive burden and pressure off your shoulders.
thank you for your replys its made me feel so much less crazy
Don't EVER feel like you are
Don't EVER feel like you are a bad/evil person. You are HUMAN and you are NEVER going to like/stand everyone that you come into contact with and that INCLUDES skids!!!Plus the more you are around them and their constant bullshit it doesnt make it any easier for us to like/love them. It makes it damn near impossible if you ask me....
Yes, I am very blessed to have a wonderful BF that respects and accepts my feelings and I can tell him and he wont treat me like shit for it. I really feel sorry for all of the SM on here who just want to be honest and open about their feelings with their SO's but they just jump down their throats or throw it in their faces! Or worse! I just dont understand how these men CANT/DONT/WONT grasp the fact that their children are NOT the epitomy of perfection....most of the time they are bratty, whiney, manipulative, selfish, etc and they dont give a fuck they are out to destroy!!! It sucks when us women can see it but these "men" are sooo damn oblivious....that really burns my ass!!!
But someday they all will see...as the saying goes...give them enough rope and they (skids) Will eventually hang themselves }:)
I am glad my replies helped you to feel better....we are in this TOGETHER
As you know girlfriend, i
As you know girlfriend, i cannot STAND my stepkid. hubby knows I am not 'fond' of his kid, but really doesn't know the extent of my dislike. Hubby was a single guy raising this kid at his mom and dad's house, with no mother. Kid has autism, which they ALL chose to ignore, as you know. So, I consider myself somewhat SAINTLY in taking this on. I provide basic needs for my skid, feed him, make sure he's at school on time, make sure drs. appts are made, therapy is attended to, and many many other tasks that nobody ever took care of for this kid before. I WILL NEVER LOVE HIM...I WILL NEVER LIKE HIM. He is NOT MY KID and you know i question whether or not he's actually husband's kid. He's a 9 yr old kid but equivalent to a 4 year old. I think hubby took the best he was going to get for his kid (me), an ADVOCATE, and lets himself be the one to give the kid LOVE because that won't ever come from me.
Now, I have 2 brats of my own. I think hubby likes my little man quite a bit, but I KNOW for a fact he's not as fond of my older son. does he dislike him as much as I dislike his kid, i doubt it. But i have to remember, they are not HIS KIDS either, so how can i expect him to love them like his own. so I don't expect it. I make sure my kids get tons of love from me, their mother. if they get any affection from him that's just a bonus.
Exactly!!! Your kids are YOUR
Exactly!!! Your kids are YOUR responsibility to provide for and love etc...if your DH CHOOSES to love, spend time with, etc YOUR kids then that is a bonus and HIS CHOICE!!! And the same SHOULD go for us women/SM...if we CHOOSE not to like/love/spend time with etc THEIR kids then that is OUR RIGHT AND CHOICE!!! If they dont like it they shouldnt have gotten with us or stayed with us once they KNEW how we felt towards/about their kids!!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!
Although my husband adopted
Although my husband adopted my daughter at age 14, she was his stepdaughter for seven years and he was not very nice to her. He was always finding fault in her and comparing her to his two daughters (my stepdaughters), which was ludicrous; my daughter was a G.A.T.E. and honor roll student while his kids were in special programs at school because they were lazy and didn't to their school work. About a year ago my husband told me, during a heated argument, that he hasn't liked my daughter since he met her. He says he's grown to know and love her over time, but that she was a "brat" when he met her. I was furious because his children were 10 times worse in their behavior than my daughter was when we met. They constantly threw fits, screamed and cried if they didn't get their way, tattled on my kids, and even hit my children as well as adults. My daughter never did any of those things because I would not allow it. I raised her and my son to be respectful of others, especially adults. To this day, my husband believes that his brats are precious angels and that my daughter, THE ONE HE ADOPTED AND WAS ORDERED BY A JUDGE TO TREAT AS HIS OWN(!), is the problem child in the family. The only thing that keeps me from going insane is knowing that I only have to see my stepdaughters 50% of the time and that they only have approximately 2 years left to live in my house. I am just waiting until they turn 18 so I don't have to deal with them anymore!!
"I have told my DH how much I
"I have told my DH how much I dislike his son and have told him that I don't think I will ever like him. My DH has witnessed me shut his child out for years and seen the love I show my bio son...but he just deals with it. He says that he won't leave me just because my feelings for his son! What?!? I don't get that...if my DH felt this way towards my son, my bags are packed and I am out the door in 2 seconds flat..."
Sorry but this is.....hypocrisy at its finest. You're admitting it yourself. So you expect your husband to treat your own kid in a certain way and if he doesn't, you're ready to leave him over it, but you treat his kid like crap and he lets you get away with it? Hypocritical. Unfair. Double standard. Fuckin what the fuck?
You've also admitted that your actions must be damaging to the boy's mental health and damaging the relationship with the father. I don't care if people on here are going to call me "shit stirrer" or whatever but if I were your DH, I would have left you ages ago.
What annoys me about people is that they can't find a balance. Some DHs put up with their kids' disrespectful attitude towards the new partner without trying to discipline them, and there are DHs who go to the other extreme and put up with a wife whose actions are clearly causing the child problems and who, (note the irony) wouldn't want her own child to be treated in the same way she's treating his son!!!!!!!!!!! Hell, both attitudes are wrong. It's no wonder blended families become dysfunctional most of the time.....people just go from one extreme to the other and one day or another, the shit hits the fan and it all goes awry leaving everyone unhappy, depressed, drained and the list goes on.
"So you expect your husband
"So you expect your husband to treat your own kid in a certain way and if he doesn't, you're ready to leave him over it, but you treat his kid like crap and he lets you get away with it?"
Yeah, I have to agree with Myself. It seems like the OP wants her husband to leave. She is doing everything she can to push him away because of his failure to parent his son.
Instead of taking the initiative, she seems to think that if her husband would just wise up and see how much she can't stand his son he would leave.
OP, instead of waiting for your husband to leave, if you can't stand his son, why don't YOU leave? And please don't say because you love him. Love does not pay the bills, or make your SS stop beating up on your BS.
To me it's a given that its a
To me it's a given that its a mothers job when there is kids to have them in her custody after all she dud the 9 months and labor ... Lol so I feel it's natural that if a man is with a woman he needs to be civil to them he don't have to love them like his own but not show hate and if he does then he shouldn't have chose a mother. Where as a woman can do the total opposite cause in reality those kids have a mother and her ass should have them. My ways of thinking are probably all wrong but mothers need to do their jobs. I guess cause I've been without a Bio dad for my kids for so long I feel they are not needed. Most are deadbeats anyways
I agree!!! Moms should do
I agree!!! Moms should do their jobs/part and raise their kids! My son's father isnt involved so I am mom and dad to my son and I deal with it and so does my son. I wouldnt have it any other way! If parents arent together and the dad does want to be involved good for them if not then us Mom's just have to suck it up and do the best and what is right for our kids. There are millions of kids in this world with uninvolved fathers and they deal with it and cope with it. It only fucks you up if you LET IT!!! My son is perfectly well adjusted and a great kid and that is NO THANKS to his father!!!
One of the reasons I left my
One of the reasons I left my now-ex about two months ago was because I was sick of the way he treated my older son. He'd jump down my son's throat for any little thing, but just pat his kids' heads if they did the exact same thing. VERY obvious double standard. He treated his kids very differently and was extremely harsh with my son.
I realized one day not long before my kids and I moved out that never once had my ex said anything nice about my older son. The only time he ever mentioned him at all was to criticize him or tattle to me that he'd done something wrong.
I don't want my kids - either one of them - growing up in an environment where they're made to feel unwanted, and like they can't ever do anything right. Are my kids perfect? No. Are my ex's kids perfect? Hell no, but he certainly treated them like they were. No matter what horrific thing they did, my ex always had an excuse for it, or he'd jump up and shout that MY son did blah blah blah one time, so that makes his kids' behavior okay. Total bullshit. So we're outta there now.
I never cared even a little bit about his kids and didn't lie to my ex about that, but yeah...It never seemed to bother him. I disengaged from them almost from Day One, and he seemed all right with that, too. It's weird, but yeah, he never seemed to have a problem with me not liking his kids.