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Something puzzles me..

StepG's picture

I posted earlier that BM has went to the state to have H send the child support through them. Just last Thursday BM yelled at H and told him she went to the state cause she was tired of wondering when he was going to pay her and she needed that money. OK first of all receipts and cashed checks show a very clear weekly pattern of payment. So last week I went online and paid the child support for last Friday on Wednesday. It cleared H account last Friday. So I check Monday and it shows he paid but did not get credit for it. So he calls and they explain that case did not actually start till yesterday and that the $ will get credited this Friday. So last night H tells BM about making the payment and not getting credit so he did not know when they would get it to her and he told her that he told the state that he did not want this to mess him up cause he was flush with her and current(never behind) so she said on I know you are current I told them that you always pay and pay regualr and she said well I will get it some time or another no big deal. WHAT??? you just blasted H last week saying he was inconsistent and late and you needed that money now it is no big deal. Shame cause you could have had it today when H picks SS up and now it will be sometime next week before you get last weeks payment. I slowly getting more convinced that she is getting state aid. Of course she would not want us to know that she is getting it and so she is just acting like she went to the state. Why would you do that and have your child support not paid regularly due to them and have it put on a debit card that charges you a fee when you use it when you could have kept on getting your weekly check and deposit it into your account...Why I ask I know why it is because you are a low down person trying to live off the goverment as much as you possibly can when you have no need to. There are people out there who truly need child support enforcement and help and she is not one of them. She has no idea how lucky she is for her Son to have a dad as great as H is. on and my the way she calls last night to see if 2 of her signifigant other's children could come with SS tonight for our visit with him. She made SS call and ask so what were we to say? I told H I did not mind the girls coming but it will not be a regluar thing cause we cannot visit with him if they are there cause all he will want to do is go in his room and play with them. This is our time with him not theirs. Is that ugly to think that way?


everythinghappens4areason's picture

Hubby always paid BM bi-weekly...never was late, etc. BM all of a sudden one day decides she would rather have it through enforcement. I told her how enforcement happens here and she didn't believe start it, takes apprx 8-10 wks BM will receive the money...not sure what they are doing in that time frame, but that's how it works.

Secondly, if you do any modifications to an CS order, it goes through the same process (and we have had a lot from hubby's injury). After doing it for apprx 6 months, she wanted to withdrawn from it, but in order to do that she must have hubby sign as well. He said screw that, you wanted it this way, we are keeping it this way. She said well it takes so long to get money coming in...he said, not my problem, my end is paid, whatever they do before it gets to you is YOUR problem, besides SM TOLD you exactly what would take place prior to you doing it. Seems as though SM was right again eh BM? That pissed her off, but shut her up!! Smile Yea hubby.


Nymh at school's picture

BM forced BF's CS payments to go through the state a couple of years ago. This has actually worked to our advantage because every time she tries to claim that he's a deadbeat who never gives her any money, he can print out the report from the CS board that clearly shows his regular payments and the fact that he's actually ahead on CS. The great thing is that at the bottom of the printout it says,